Which Fiddle Leaf Fig Is A Fit For You?
The Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree has cemented itself in history as the most popular indoor houseplant of the 2010s; a popularity that it has into the 2020s. If you are planning to decorate your home with this modern classic, let us help you make sure you choose the right variety for you.
It makes sense why this tropical indoor tree has become such a staple for interior designers: it creates drama and adds both color and height to any room its in, regardless of the homeowners' style. It brings visually tasteful contrast to the oh-so-popular soft neutrals and light woods found in contemporary modern style. The violin-shaped leaves take on a sense of sculpture that would fit in well at MOMA or the Met, but nature herself build this beauty in the tropical forests of western Africa.
Fiddle Leaf Figs are tough plants that can adapt, but they have strong preferences and will make them known. If you want to have plants in your home that you can ignore and they'll thrive on your neglect... this is not the tree for you. Fiddle Leaf Fig Trees enjoy a home with lots of light, a little humidity, and lots of routine. Their home environment in the under-canopy of tropical forests in Cameroon has a very reliable, predictable climate. You don't have to turn your home into a tropical oasis for your Fiddle Leaf Figs (unless you want to), but keeping their native home in mind will help you remember to check their soil and mist their leaves during the week.
As homeowners and designers alike have fallen in love with Ficus lyrata, and stayed in love with it for so long, nurseries have begun to develop ways to change it up. Here are the three ways you can buy a Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree from Garden Goods Direct:
Types of Fiddles:
1.Standard Tree Form - Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree: This is the mainstay of modern design. The lower leaves that grow all along the trunk have been pruned away slowly over time, training this tree to grow in a more shade-tree-like shape. These will grow up to 10 feet tall fairly quickly, especially if you are starting with a more mature tree that is already halfway there.
2.Fiddle Leaf Fig Bushes: These are sold as a collection of two or three plants in a pot together to create the look of a shrub. Also, the leaves on the trunk are not trimmed away, leaving the more natural columnar look with leaves all along the trunk from top to bottom. If you want to show a bigger splash of deep green that is filled out, or you enjoy the idea of displaying Mother Nature more like she intended, this will suit your aesthetic better. Note: This plant is still a Ficus lyrata, it has only been trained differently. It will still grow to 10 feet tall if given the space to do so.
3.Little Leaf Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree: This is the true variant, Ficus lyrata compacta. It has been grown to be different from the original in two ways. First, the leaves are half the size. They still have the same fiddle shape to the foliage, but it is smaller and will lay in a more compact way. This makes this tree great for smaller spaces where the grand scope of a Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree might just be too much. Second, Ficus lyrata compacta will also grow to 10 feet... eventually. It will take much longer to get there. If you want to keep a Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree nice and small for longer, this can stay in smaller pots for a little longer that the fast-growing original.
We love the Fiddle Leaf Fig in all its shapes. We even have a nifty Fiddle Leaf Fig plant guide and 6 tips for a healthy Fiddle. But, let's circle back to a point we made earlier - this is not a tree to be ignored. It is also a plant that will want to grow very tall over time. If you don't want any chores or effort involved in plant parenthood, or you need something that you won't constantly have to train back down to a smaller size, then here are some recommendations that might better suit your needs. You can also pair these complementary plants with your Fiddle Leaf Fig for extra variety in your home.
Easy, Effortless, and Compact Cousins to the Fiddle Leaf Fig:
Ficus Audrey- both low-maintenance and compact, this is our first recommendation if you want to fly down easy street. The bright emerald green leaves will bring the same lovely hue to your home, but you can keep them on a well lit shelf or coffee table for much longer.
Ficus Moclame - A ficus with smaller leaves that will grow to a tree form, but it won't drop leaves every time you look at it the wrong way.
Ficus Tineke - these are, as Woodie says, the succulents of the Ficus family. Extremely easy to care for, and will eventually their sturdy structure and variegated leaves will grow up to 7 feet tall.
Burgundy Ficus, or Rubber Ficus - This compact alternative will actually bring a pop of deep purple to a shelf or table. You could even pair this near your Fiddle Leaf Fig for added contrast.
Ficus Benjamina - This was the 'it' plant of the 1990s, and for good reason. We wouldn't consider this an effortless option since it still needs some attention paid, and it isn't too much smaller. But, it won't grow quite as tall as a Fiddle, so you can make smaller rooms feet more balanced.
Fake. But where's the fun in a fake tree? They'll never look at rich and luxurious as the real deal, even if they're technically easier. Maybe we're biased... but the joy of caring for a real plant is why we love what we do here at Garden Goods Direct.
Feel free to explore other options too. Our collection pages are curated so that you can shop by needs, by color, or by style in order to find that hidden treasure plant you didn't know you needed in your life.
If you're still not sure, contact our Garden Goods Direct customer support and sales team. That way, you can explain what it is you're looking for and someone from our team can help match you to the perfect indoor tree.