Chinese Evergreen Plants for Sale Online
Chinese evergreen plants or Aglaonema are some of the best house plants for beginners. So easy to grow that you'll begin to wonder whether it's real. Aglaonema offers the best of both worlds, ease of care, and unrivaled beauty.
Are you looking for a tropical plant for the home or office that will be able to survive in fluorescent or indirect light and will survive weekends while you are away? Look no further than the easy-care Chinese Evergreen. Aglaonema is considered to be one of the best and most rewarding indoor houseplants for beginners. Make Aglaonemas your stepping stone to plant success.
Aglaonema gets its name Chinese Evergreen from its home range in the subtropical regions of Asia and New Guinea. Chinese Evergreens have been grown as luck-bringing plants in Asia for hundreds of years. Found naturally in the shady forests, they are perfect for growing indoors away from the bright sun. In their wild range, they have primarily green leave, but thanks to the breeding efforts of hybridizes worldwide, they now produce colorful leaves of pink, red, white, and many other colors.
While Aglaonema plants rarely flower indoors, older plants can produce flowers that look similar to a peace lily or calla lily if provided with optimal growing conditions. Typically, Chinese evergreen is not grown for the flowers but do not be surprised to see one from time to time. If your Chinese Evergreen houseplant does produce flowers, immediately cut them off. The flowers are not very attractive and will use the energy that the plant needs to make new leaves.
Aglaonema is a slow-growing plant, so small to midsized plants will be able to stay on a desk or table for a long time without needing to be repotted.
Aglaonema is a Clean Air Plant
In 1989, NASA conducted a study of indoor pollutants and discovered that house plants such as Aglaonema could absorb harmful toxins from the air, especially in enclosed spaces with little airflow. This study has been the basis for newer studies about indoor plants like Chinese Evergreen and their air cleaning abilities, and new results are pouring in yearly.
Chinese Evergreen Aglaonema plants were found to be very efficient at removing benzene, carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, and trichloroethylene. Indoor pollution generated by modern furnishings, synthetic building materials, and even carpets makes up about 90 percent of indoor air pollution. The NASA study recommends homes have two or three plants for every 100 square feet. Some plants are better at removing certain chemicals than others, so a mix of house plants is recommended.
The NASA study listed the Chinese Evergreen Plant as one of the top 10 houseplants to clean the air of harmful toxins.
Aglaonema Toxicity to Humans and Pets
Chinese Evergreen plants contain calcium oxalate crystals, which are toxic if ingested. Dermatitis can also be caused by touching the sap that is produced when removing leaves or stems. Toxicity is more of a concern for dogs and cats but can be a concern for humans.
Animals may have the following symptoms if Aglaonema plant parts are ingested: struggle to swallow, irritated/painful--even burning/swelling mouth, may vomit, foam at the mouth, and drool. Other symptoms include a rash, pain where the inflammation is located, and irritated mucous membranes.
While Chinese Evergreen toxicity is considered low by the ASPCA, it is vital to know and recognize the symptoms.
Tips for Keeping Aglaonemas Healthy
- Light: Understanding the light requirements of Aglaonema is simple. The darker green varieties of Aglaonema, such as Aglaonema Chocolate, can grow in lower light. The brighter variegated types, such as Aglaonema Silver Bay, require brighter lighting conditions. Do not expose Chinese Evergreen to direct sunlight as this can burn the leaves.
- Watering: Water thoroughly and more often during the summer. In the winter, when the air is dryer misting the plants often raises the humidity. During the winter, reduce watering being careful not to let the plant dry out completely. Be sure the pot has a drainage hole to allow excess water to drain.
- Temperature: Aglaonemas do not like cold drafts or temperatures below 59 degrees. Be sure to keep it away from drafty windows or vents.
- Soil: A well-drained soil is recommended. We recommend Espoma Organic Potting Mix. We have found this soil to retain the perfect amount of moisture for aglaonema plants to thrive.
- Fertilizer: Feed your Chinese Evergreen plants with a slow-release fertilizer such as Osmocote Plus indoor/outdoor fertilizer. If you prefer to feed as you water, we recommend Jack's Classic Houseplant special plant food.
Repotting Aglaonema Plants
Aglaonema plants are slow-growing and will usually only need to be repotted every 12 to 18 months. When repotting your Aglaonema, it is recommended that you only go up pot sizes two or so inches. Chinese Evergreen plants are shallow-rooted, so it's not necessary to plant them in a deep pot.
Why are the leaves of my Aglaonema curling?
 If Aglaonema Plants receive too much direct sun, the leaves may curl under for protection against sunburn. If this happens, move the plant further away from the direct sun. Shortly after this move, the leaves will begin to unfurl and return to their colorful glory.
Why are the stems of my Aglaonema turning yellow or brown?
Brown or yellow stems are caused by the soil being kept too wet. Excess soil moisture can cause the roots to rot. Chinese Evergreen plants retain water in the stems for the plant to use in periods of drought. If there is too much moisture in the soil, the stems will also be full of water. Excess soil moisture can cause the plant to rot.
To solve this problem, reduce the watering frequency, aerate the soil by poking chopsticks into the soil, creating holes for moisture to evaporate, and prune away any rotting stems. Resume watering the Chinese evergreen only when the soil has dried completely.
Why Choose Woodies Garden Goods Direct?
Let's face it; not everyone has vast expanses of large sunny windows. Homeowners who enjoy the shade of large trees, which aid in cooling the home, often lack bright sunlight. Apartment dwellers may have a north-facing exposure where no direct sunlight enters the windows. If this is you, then consider the Aglaonema as your first or next houseplant.
If you're looking to purchase the perfect low light house plant for your home or office interior, consider Woodie's Approved collection of Aglaonema plants from Garden Goods Direct. As America's number one online garden center, we offer a broad selection of houseplants, along with advice from our plant experts you need to keep them healthy. From Aglaonema to ZZ Plants, we have a vast selection of house plants available from our online store.