Native Trees for Sale Online
North American Native trees are some of the most underutilized plants in North America. Native trees can provide shade, privacy, screening, and wildlife habitat. Native trees are valuable additions to landscapes because of their changing interest throughout the year and their ability to adapt to changing conditions.
They are the dominant trees in most woodland plant communities throughout the country. Native Trees are valued for their year-round beauty and the shelter for wildlife and birds.
Native trees are often grouped into two categories, broadleaf trees, and evergreens. Broadleaf trees have broad, flat leaves. They also may have showy flowers, such as redbud, or colorful fruits and berries, such as American holly. Evergreens have needle-like foliage, such as the eastern white pine. Though most conifers are evergreen, there are a few exceptions. Bald cypress loses its needles each fall but resembles a conifer the rest of the seasons. Native trees when properly sited, perform well with minimal care.
Buying North American Native Trees Online
Native trees are best used in an informal design that suggests a natural landscape, or for the restoration of native plant communities.Â
Proper tree selection and placement should be carefully considered. Trees are dominant features in the landscape due to their size and long life. We have selected native trees and large shrubs that perform well in most areas of the united states. Most of these trees prefer full sun but tolerate light shade. Most also prefer a moist, well-drained site.
Reasons to use Native Plants in your Landscape
North American Native Plants and trees are an essential part of any well-designed landscape. The benefits of native trees and shrubs extend beyond those provided to wildlife and into ecosystem services that improve human-built environments. Native Trees decrease soil erosion, create cooling shade, filter the air, offset heating and cooling needs if properly placed. These qualities benefit human lives in urban areas where properly planted and maintained trees and shrubs are encouraged.
The native Americans found many uses for native trees and often set up their communities in areas where native species were plentiful. Native trees add a great deal to our landscapes. Their presence or absence has profound effects on wild and human life.
Easy to Grow Native Trees
We've selected a few of our favorite Easy to grow Native Trees to help make your selection process a little easier.
Native Shade Trees:
Brandywine Red Maple: Brandywine Red Maple is a male selection which means Brandywine Red Maple can be used in the landscape without fear seedlings popping up all around the landscape.
Autumn Flame Red Maple: A nice addition to any landscape situation, the Autumn Flame Red Maple brings a vibrant red, orange accent to any yard. It's a moderate growing maple that has a distinguished fall color on the iconic three-pronged maple leaf.
Eastern Redbud Tree: The Eastern Redbud Tree is one of the first trees to flower in the early spring, bursting forth with delicate pink flowers in large clusters before the leaves emerge. The Rosy-Pink blooms appear in late winter or early spring. Soon after, dark green, heart-shaped leaves begin to form a beautiful backdrop, which makes the rosy-pink flowers stand out even more.
Native Evergreen and Privacy Trees:
Skyrocket Juniper: The stately, columnar form makes the Sky Rocket Juniper the narrowest juniper available, best used as an entrance or to define a boundary. Excellent when used as a vertical accent.
Eastern Red Cedar: Eastern Red Cedar is a large, dense native evergreen generally seen throughout the eastern United States. Eastern Red Cedar is indigenous to most of the eastern seaboard and midwest which means it is ideally suited for most growing conditions and areas.
While we're not solely a native plant nursery we do appreciate the need for them in the landscape. Native trees should be interplanted with non-native plants. We are happy to provide gardening tips or answer questions regarding the use of native trees in the landscape. Contact us and we'll answer your questions as quickly as we can.
We are also proud to include a link to a great site that lists all native trees by state. This is a great resource for research into which trees are native to your state.