Hoya Plants for Sale Online
Hoya plants are commonly known as Wax Plant or Porcelain Flower. Hoya plants are famous as indoor house plants because they tolerate dry conditions. Hoya is a diverse group of mostly climbing or trailing plants native to tropical Asia and Australia.
They are easy to grow and can give many years of enjoyment. The flowers are waxy and sometimes fragrant. Most hoya flowers have a sweet, almost spicy fragrance. Their green or multi-colored foliage does well in low to medium light.
Hoya makes excellent indoor plants that can be moved outside to a shaded patio or porch during the warmer months.
Growing Hoya Plants as Houseplants
Hoya plants prefer medium to bright, indirect light. They will not do well when placed in direct sunlight during the hot afternoon hours as too much sun will burn their leaves or cause them to turn yellow. Hoyas can tolerate about two hours of direct sunlight in the morning or evening, so an eastern or western-facing window is best.
Hoya plants grown in very low light will grow, but they will focus more on growing more leaves than producing flowers. This is not a problem for some, as the thick leaves themselves are beautiful, as is the case with Hoya Macrophylla Variegata or Hoya carnosa Krimson Queen. These varieties were once considered rare hoya plants but are becoming more available to house plant enthusiasts.
Are Hoyas Succulent Plants?
Hoya plants are considered members of the succulent group primarily due to their fleshy leaves and growing requirements. Hoya plants prefer that their soil dry out completely in between waterings. When you water your hoya plants, please give them a thorough soaking and allow the excess water to drain from the pot. If you use a saucer, empty the saucer after watering and not let the plant sit in water.
If the plant is kept too dry, the lower leaves will start to yellow. If it's kept too wet, it will begin dropping leaves. Even house plants go into a dormant phase in the winter, and they'll need even less frequent watering. Give Hoya Plants a 4-5 week period of drought during the winter as a way to encourage them to bloom the following spring.
How to Get a Hoya Plant to Bloom
The most important aspect of getting Hoya plants to bloom is ensuring they receive the correct light. If your Hoya is mature and not blooming, try experimenting with more light. It may be necessary to move the plant to a few locations before finding a suitable condition. Once you notice flower buds forming, keep the plant in that location, as moving may cause the flower buds to fall off.
Keeping the roots pot-bound and not moving it to a larger pot too soon is also essential. Hoyas like to be "cozy" in their pot which often can mean they are not moved into larger containers.
Are Hoya Plants Toxic to Pets
Hoya plants are non-toxic to people and animals. Many authorities, such as The University of Connecticut and the ASPCA, list Hoya as a non-toxic houseplant safe for people and pets.
Can Hoya Plants be grown in a Hanging Basket?
Hoyas grow best in any plastic, terra cotta, or ceramic pot. A hanging basket is often the best and most beautiful way to show off the trailing branches. Hoya Plants like to be root-bound, so only repot them when the roots have replaced nearly all of the soil in the pot. Select a pot that is 1-2 inches bigger than the current pot it's growing in.
Be sure the new pot has sufficient drain holes as hoya plants suffer when the soil retains too much water.