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Ficus Ruby for Sale Online
Ficus Ruby (Ficus elastica 'Ruby') is a bright-light-loving houseplant that is hardy, with an incredibly easy care regimen. Beyond its ease of care, the Ficus is loved for its unique variegated foliage, and ability to grow to impressive heights.
Often Called Rubber Plants or Variegated Rubber Tree, the Ruby Rubber Plant has large oval-shaped leaves that are outlined with strawberry-cream colored margins color. The foliage is thick with a rubber-like texture, hence their nickname.
In terms of care, the Ficus Ruby is a very easy plant to grow. The popular house plant enjoys conditions of bright indirect light and a well-draining soil medium. Compared to other plants with picky indirect light requirements, the Ficus Ruby has thick leaves that can handle the stronger rays of sunshine.
If you want a tough plant that can reach staggering heights within a few years, Ficus Ruby could be the houseplant for you.
Ficus Ruby is an amazing plant that can add color to any household given the right amount of love and care. If you fell in love with this hardy indoor plant, be sure to check out its close relative the Ficus elastica 'Tineke.'

Mature Height: | 7 to 8 Feet |
Mature Width: | 2 to 3 Feet |
Light: | Low light to bright indirect |
Water: | Likes to dry out between watering |