Images Depict Mature Plants
Elijah Blue Fescue Grass for Sale Online
Elijah Blue Fescue is a cool-season grass which means it grows during the cooler months in the spring and fall. It's powder blue color is easily blended into the landscape and provides a cooling effect when planted among brighter colored plants.
Hardiness Zone: | 4-8 |
Mature Height: | 8 to 10 Inches |
Mature Width: | 12 inches |
Classification: | Cool Season Ornamental Grass |
Sunlight: | Full Sun to Part Shade |
Habit: | Clump Forming |
Foliage: | Powder Blue Color |
Flower Color: | Tan |
Pruning Season: | Cut down to 6 inches in the late winter / early spring |
Soil Condition: | Prefers average garden soil |
Water Requirements: | Water well until established |
Uses: | Drought tolerant, ground cover |
How to Care for Elijah Blue Fescue
Be sure to read our planting instructions to ensure a healthy and happy plant for years to come!
Additional Information
Warm Season vs. Cool Season Grasses:
Cool Season Grasses
Cool season grasses such as Elijah Blue Fescuewill start to grow early in the spring and may even remain semi-evergreen over the winter. Cool season grasses also seem to do better and have better foliage quality when temperatures are cool or if they are given sufficient water during drought periods. If they are not watered during drought, they tend to go dormant resulting in brown foliage. These grasses may require more frequent division to keep them healthy looking and vigorous. If not, they tend to die out in the center. For the ones that remain semi-evergreen, you should only cut off the brown or winter injured foliage in the spring.
Warm Season Grasses
Warm season grasses will do better during warmer times of the year and remain good looking even when temperatures are high and moisture is limited. Warm season grasses do not begin to show growth until the weather becomes stable and the soils warm. The previous seasons growth usually browns out in the fall requiring the cutting back of plants to about 4-6 inches in the spring. Warm season grasses usually do not require as frequent division as cool season grasses.