• Close up of White Blossom of Autumn Ivory Encore Azalea Shrubs
  • White Blossoms of Autumn Ivory Azalea Evergreen Shrub
  • Autumn Ivory Encore Azalea Shrub Garden Accent Blooming in Spring Summer and Fall
  • Autumn Ivory Encore Azalea Evergreen Shrub in Full Bloom with Oval Green Leaves

Images Depict Mature Plants

Autumn Ivory® Encore® Azalea

Rhododendron 'Roblev' PP25046

Autumn Ivory Encore Azalea is one of the more compact azalea varieties, making it a perfect addition to your garden, deck, or patio.

Sale Price $94.95 USD
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Autumn Ivory Encore Azalea Shrubs for Sale Online

Autumn Ivory Encore Azalea or Rhododendron hybrid 'Roblev' is a beautiful, low-growing evergreen shrub that produces numerous white blossoms from spring to fall.

It is one of the smaller azalea varieties making it an excellent choice for planters on your deck or patio as well as in your garden.

In order to ensure it reaches its full bloom potential, plant your Autumn Ivory Encore Azalea Shrub in a sunny spot in your landscape where it receives at least 4 hours of sunlight.

Autumn Ivory Encore Azalea Shrubs are repeat bloomers that have huge white flowers and oval-shaped evergreen leaves. The foliage is a deep lustrous green that keeps its color all winter long even in the coldest and harshest conditions.

Autumn Ivory Encore Azalea is one of the smaller azalea varieties so it does well in planters for your patio or planted in your garden as an accent piece.

Growzone: 7-10 Autumn Ivory® Encore® Azalea Hardiness Zone 7-10
Hardiness Zone: 7-10
Mature Height: 2.5 to 3 Feet
Mature Width: 2.5 to 3 Feet
Classification: Upright, broad leaved evergreen shrub
Sunlight: Part shade to filtered sun
Habit: Upright
Foliage: Dark green
Flower Color: White
Pruning Season: Pruning not needed
Soil Condition: Any well drained soil
Water Requirements: Water well until established
Uses: Extremely attractive when used as in the mixed border, or containers

How to Care for Autumn Ivory® Encore® Azalea

Be sure to read our planting instructions to ensure a healthy and happy plant for years to come!

What is the Right Sun Exposure for My Ivory Encore Azaleas?

What is the Right Sun Exposure for My Ivory Encore Azaleas?

Ivory Azaleas bloom in the spring and again in the fall, but having the proper sun exposure for your azaleas will ensure that all of their bloom cycles are full and spectacular. While they can handle full sun and will be OK in partial shade, making sure they get about 4 to 6 hours of sun will help encourage those iconic fluffy fuchsia blossoms multiple times in the year. That means they are in morning light on a north-facing wall or in the filtered shade on a south or west-facing garden would work. East-facing landscapes will often provide the softest balance of light, depending on where you live.

When Should I Fertilize My Autumn Ivory Azalea Shrub?

When Should I Fertilize My Autumn Ivory Azalea Shrub?

Autumn Ivory Azaleas bloom multiple times throughout the year, so you want to make sure and fertilize at optimal times to feed your azalea right when it needs it and no more. We recommend fertilizing either at the first signs of spring or right after the spring cycle of blooms is complete. It's better to fertilize earlier in the year than later, even though the Majesty Azaleas will bloom again for you in the fall since they are sensitive when it comes to fertilizer. They like their soil to have some acidity, and they benefit from fertilizers that provide just the right balance of nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium. Espoma Flower-tone is a go-to for bloomers like Majesty Azaleas.

How Do I Water Autumn Ivory Encore Azalea Shrubs?

How Do I Water Autumn Ivory Encore Azalea Shrubs?

Encore Azaleas prefer a well-hydrated environment, but they cannot sit in water for long periods. Water that does not drain away will cause root rot. Depending on how quickly or slowly your soil drains water will determine how frequently you should water your Encore Autumn Majesty Azalea, as well as sun exposure and seasonal heat. When you first plant your azalea, give the ground a long, healthy watering. Then, for the next few days, check the soil daily to see how quickly or slowly it begins to feel dry. When the top inch of the soil (about the length to your first knuckle) is dry to the touch, then water for a 5-second count for each gallon-size your plant arrived. A 3-gallon pot will need a 15-second count when watering, etc. This way you can keep your azalea happy and avoid the risks of overwatering.

How Do I Plant My Azalea Shrub?

How Do I Plant My Azalea Shrub?

Autumn Ivory Azaleas prefer to stay moist but must have well-draining soil. We highly recommend that you amend your soil before planting your Autumn Majesties to make sure they become established successfully and thrive. Clay soils are too dense and the roots will not breathe and grow. First, dig a hole twice as wide and the same depth as the root ball. Then, amend the soil in the bottom of the hole to be an even mix of native soil and organic material, such as peat moss, pine bark, or compost material. Position your azalea in the hole so that it is not too deep (the potting mix it arrived in should be slightly visible when done), and backfill the hole with the same 50/50 mix. Pat gently when finished, layer with organic mulch and water thoroughly.

General questions

What do the pot sizes mean?

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