Oso Easy Roses for Sale Online
Simply one of the easiest families of roses in the world to grow successfully, Oso Easy® Roses offer an Easy to manage growing habit, vibrant blooms in shades of orange, red, coral, and salmon. and absolutely unbeatable resistance to blackspot and powdery mildew. Oso-Easy roses offer many different types of flowers from single blooms to fully double flowers. Whether you're a "seasoned" gardener or just picking up plants for the first time, Oso-Easy Roses will grow and bloom profusely for you year after year! There only true requirements are to be planted in full sun in moist well-drained soil.
For many years gardeners and Landscapers alike have been searching for a "better" rose; a rose that can be grown like any other shrub on the landscape. One that does not require constant dead-heading or weekly sprays with harmful fungicides. Working with breeders from across the globe, Our friends at Proven Winners Plants tested many new roses, but most failed to measure up to the test by developing either black spot or powdery mildew. There were, however, a few select plants met the challenge and remained clean after four years without even a single fungicide treatment. And thus the Oso Easy family of roses were born and have risen to the top as a whole new class of roses.
Buy Oso-Easy Roses Online
We have further refined the family and narrowed the field down to the cream of the crops. Growing roses in a nursery setting is probably one of the hardest things a grower can do. Due to the sheer volume of the crops, we grow and since we have our growing staff in the fields and greenhouses during the day we must water at night. This practice would spell certain death for roses. Oso-easy roses have proven themselves to us time and time again as a true survivor. We are completely confident when we say "Oso-Easy Roses are truly disease resistant.
Oso-Easy Italian Ice Rose
Similar to the world-renowned 'Peace' rose in its coloration. Oso Easy Italian Ice Rose has orange buds open to soft yellow flowers melting into pink blushed margins. The soft flower color is set off nicely by its dark green, glossy foliage that stays clean in even the most humid conditions. Flowers are semi-double, with 24-30 petals per bloom. This self-cleaning rose has excellent disease-resistance, abundant flowers, and a nice habit, making it an excellent plant for home gardens.
Oso-Easy Paprika Rose
Beautify your yard the easy way with Oso Easy Paprika Rose. From early summer through frost, this low-growing rose is covered in blooms of beautiful orange and fade to coral with a golden sun in the center. Like all of the Oso Easy® roses, it is highly disease resistant and easy care. Try planting it in a full sun, flower garden, or incorporate it into the landscape as a low hedge, edging, or specimen. This is small enough to plant near walkways and other tight spots and not have to worry about constantly pruning.
Oso-Easy Double Red Rose
Oso-easy Double Red is an extremely floriferous new easy-growing rose with an abundance of bright red, doubled blooms with orange undertones. This seedling from Double Knock Out® Rose maintains a nice rounded habit and has excellent disease resistance. It's a great plant for creating no-spray, no-prune mass plantings in residential or commercial landscapes. This one is a must for mixed borders and Beds providing bright red color all season long.
Oso-Easy Cherry Pie Rose
This new Oso Easy rose variety has an abundance of bright, candy apple red flowers. The flowers are large and single with bright yellow stamens. The foliage is glossy and highly disease resistant. This is a great low maintenance plant for mass plantings or as part of the mixed border. We have grown this rose grown as a container plant, plant in the ground in fall when it's done blooming.
Oso-Easy Mango Salsa Rose
This rebel has an intense, amazing color: shades of ruby-red grapefruit, summer sunsets, and those fancy tropical drinks with umbrellas in them. Oso Easy Mango Salsa Rose produces continuous blooms cover the tidy mound of dark, glossy foliage. This is a wonderful choice for mass plantings or adding unusual color to mixed borders.
Oso-Easy Lemon Zest Rose
Proven Winners evaluated yellow roses for years, looking for one that lived up to their demands for brilliant color and excellent disease-resistance. This is it! Sunny, canary yellow flowers do not fade to white, and really light up against the glossy green foliage. It is free-flowering, producing lots of buds that open to self-cleaning flowers. Superior disease-resistance makes it easy for gardeners to enjoy. Winner of an Award of Excellence from the American Rose Society.
For more information on how to plant and care for Rose Bushes, follow the steps in our planting guide:Â How to Grow Roses.