Winning Colors Fescue Blend for Sale Online
Winning Colors Fescue Blend Grass Seed is the ultimate Turf Type Tall Fescue Blend. It contains four of the best tall fescues on the market: Picasso, Rodin, Monet, and VanGogh. Winning Colors exhibits excellent Brown Patch resistance; mow-ability, drought resistance, heat tolerance, and dark green genetic color. Germination typically takes 10-14 days. Seeding Rate: 8 lbs. per 1,000 sq. ft. Overseeding Rate: 4 lbs. per 1,000 sq. ft.
Includes oversize shipping cost due to weight. Contact us for price breaks on multiple quantities.
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Why Chose Winning Colors Fescue Blend Grass Seed?
Winning Colors™ is the ultimate Turf Type Tall Fescue Blend containing four of the best tall fescues on the market: Picasso, Rodin, Monet, and VanGogh. Substitute varieties may be used depending on availability. It exhibits excellent Brown patch resistance mowability, drought resistance, heat tolerance and dark green genetic color. It is our overall best selling blend in our retail store. Winning Colors Tall Fescue Blend is most trusted grass seed blend. All of the varieties used in the winning colors blend are on or have been on the Virginia Tech Recommended Variety list. Countless hours of research has been conducted on these varieties. They have been proven to work well in all regions.
Winning Colors are seeds that have been named after a theme of famous painters such as Van Gogh, Picasso, or Da Vinci. These are some of the best varieties of turf type tall fescue on the market. Winning Colors Grass Seed is very clean with a high level of purity and little or no weed seed. The certification tags often say .00% weed seed. Other items that can be found in grass seed are “Inert Matter” such as dust or chaff. Inert matter is common and expected, but shouldn’t be much higher than 1%. “Other crop seed” is another component found in grass seed. Other crop seed can often be annual ryegrass. For quality turf grass seed you would want other crop to be less than 1%. These days it is common to see fertilizers incorporated with grass seed. This may be helpful for germination and growth, but you should read the label very carefully. Chances are good that you are paying higher seed prices for less expensive fertilizer with other brands. Winning Colors Grass Seed is pure and vigorous. Recommended Rates: New Seeding 8 lbs per 1000 sq. ft. Over Seeding; 4 lbs per 1000 sq.ft.