• thundercloud plum tree has soft pink blooms in the spring
  • the striking dark red foliage of the thundercloud plum tree
  • Thundercloud Plum Tree Leaf with Water Droplets

Images Depict Mature Plants

Thundercloud Purple Leaf Plum Tree

Prunus cerasifera 'Thundercloud'

This ornamental beauty is a versatile accent to any garden. Lovely pale pink spring blossoms give way to coppery purple foliage throughout the year.

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Thundercloud Plum Trees for Sale Online

The Thundercloud Purple Leaved Plum Tree is a stunning landscape specimen. Its coppery purple foliage holds its color well into fall. Pale pink, flowers blanket the branches in the spring before the foliage emerges.

This flowering tree is a strong accent in any landscape or garden, so it is best used as a focal point in a front lawn. Since they can grow up to 20 feet in height and width, they will also make stunning backdrops in full sun gardens, providing shade to smaller plants below while basking in the sunlight. Full sun is important for these beauties, as that is what will bring out their strongest coppery purple color. The contrast between the pale pink flowers and the deep purple leaves is a beautiful sight in the springtime.

While these specimen trees do technically produce small fruit, they are not the same plums you find in the supermarket. These little red-purple fruits are edible and could be used in a jam or chutney. They are most useful, however, as food for your local birds.

Growzone: 5-9 Thundercloud Purple Leaf Plum Tree Hardiness Zones 5-9
Hardiness Zone: 5-9
Mature Height: 15 to 20 Feet
Mature Width: 15 to 20 Feet
Classification: Broad leaved deciduous tree, spring flowering
Sunlight: Full sun to part shade, best color is in full sun
Habit: Round foliage growth
Foliage: Coppery purple
Flower Color: Light pale pink
Soil Condition: Any well drained soil
Water Requirements: Water well until established
Uses: Tolerates moist soil and full sun

How to Care for Thundercloud Purple Leaf Plum Tree

Before you buy a Thundercloud Plum Tree, make sure to read about the care instructions that are required and recommended to keep this plant healthy and flourishing.

How do I fertilize my Thundercloud Purple Leaf Plum Trees?

How do I fertilize my Thundercloud Purple Leaf Plum Trees?

Amending the soil with organic nutrients will help the young root system grow healthy and well-established. We recommend using a starter such as Espoma Biotone Starter Plus - mixing this into the soil before planting will introduce nutrients, good bacteria and helpful mycorrhizae fungi into the soil. Once your tree is established, we recommend fertilizing with a balanced tree fertilizer in the early spring and the late fall, before and after the growing seasons. A high phosphorus content fertilizer can help improve flowering blooms for flowering shade trees in the spring.

How do I water Thundercloud Flowering Plums?

How do I water Thundercloud Flowering Plums?

The Thundercloud plum trees do best in moist but well draining soil. When first planting your tree, make sure to give the young tree a thorough first watering, and do not rush this since most of the water will run off at first. Then, for subsequent waterings (every few days for the first few months), for each gallon size a 5-second watering will suffice. If it is a 3 Gallon pot, we recommend watering for a count of 15, a 5 Gallon pot a count of 25, etc. A Treegator watering bag can make watering much easier, so that you know your young Thundercloud flowering plum tree is receiving proper hydration regularly while it is still getting established.

How do I mulch Thundercloud Cherry Plum Trees?

How do I mulch Thundercloud Cherry Plum Trees?

Young trees thrive with a healthy layer of organic mulch placed just right: this will help prevent resource stealing weeds from competing with the tree and it will help regulate soil temperature over the root system. First, weed the area around the base of the tree to clear a circle slightly wider than the root ball. Then, layer approximately 2 - 4 inches of mulch in a ring around the trunk all the way to the edge of the cleared area. Create a donut around the trunk - it is best to leave space for the young tree to grow. We recommend using organic cedar or other wood material rich in nutrients that will allow airflow.

How much sun does a Thundercloud Cherry Plum Tree need?

How much sun does a Thundercloud Cherry Plum Tree need?

Purple flowering plum trees do well in full sun - this is where their color will shine with vibrancy. They can tolerate up to partial shade. If planted in shadier areas, the leaves will actually appear more green in color. When planted in full sun, don't forget to water regularly in the hot summer months, since this tree prefers moist but well draining soil.

Frequently Asked questions

Does a Thunderhead Plum Tree Produce Fruit?

Are Thundercloud Plum Trees susceptible to pests?

When should I prune my flowering plum tree?

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