2022 Garden Trends
In the midst of the crazy year that 2021 was, a global pandemic led to the greater population spending more time at home than they ever had before. This can definitely take a toll on us, both mentally and physically, and for many, spending time in the garden became the perfect remedy to the madness.
What better way to handle all the chaos and madness in the world, than with planting flowers and making your outdoor space a peaceful escape? The pandemic most definitely changed the way we see the world, and if one positive thing had to come out of it all, it may be the deeper connection that many found with the outdoor world of nature.
In 2022, the Garden Goods Direct Team does not see this connection with nature weakening, but rather, based on horticultural and lifestyle studies, we predict 2022 will bring about more gardening trends revolving around color, design principles, and mindsets.
In this blog, we will dive into some of the gardening trends we expect to see throughout the year, and offer up some tips on how you can easily incorporate these 2022 gardening ideas into your life.
2022 Color Trends In The Garden

The Year Of The Lilac
The first trend that we expect to see a lot of in the garden this year is lilacs. Now, we are not psychic by any means in predicting such. However, we are pretty confident that lilacs are going to be a popular planting choice this year because the National Garden Bureau declared 2022 the “Year of The Lilac.”
The flowering shrub gained this title because according to the Bureau, “Lilacs are among the most carefree spring-flowering, multi-stemmed shrubs, well-loved for their toughness, reliability and fragrance.”
We can’t help but side with the Bureau on this decision, for with their pyramidal clusters of dainty blooms and hardiness to the elements, it’s hard not to want a Lilac shrub in your spring garden. Garden Goods Direct offers several stunning lilac varieties that you can have conveniently shipped to your door this planting season.
Incorporating The Color of The Year Into Your Garden
Next on our list of 2022 garden trends we expect to see is the incorporation of the Pantone 2022 Color of The Year. This year Pantone selected ‘Very Peri’ as the designated color of the year. As the most well-known and widely used color matching system in the world, Pantone holds a lot of power in the world of color.
Pantone described this year’s chosen color as a “dynamic periwinkle blue hue with a vivifying violet-red undertone.” As a warm yet electric blue tone, incorporating Very Peri hues into your garden will surely make for a gorgeous statement.
Some stunning garden plants that will work to incorporate this electric bluish purple would include our Periwinkle Plants, and our Amsonia Blue Ice and Amsonia Hubrichtii plants. And it just so happens that these plants will compliment the bold purples of your lilac plants quite perfectly.
Planting a Monochromatic Garden
Bringing a contemporary and neutral aesthetic to a space has been a trend seen in many interior design trends throughout the past year. We expect this modern and contemporary mindset to make its way to the garden this planting season with monochromatic gardens.
When it comes to creating a garden that’s calming and pleasing to the eye, using a wide range of colors can sometimes be overwhelming and overstimulating. For this reason, we suspect many gardens this season will opt for selective color palettes and many will center in around one color while incorporating a series of different shades.
Initially centering on just one color can feel boring, but once you dive into all the different variations of flowers, trees and shrubs available to you, you will see just how much variety and excitement monochromatic gardening has to offer!
For some monochromatic planting inspiration, check out our color-based collections like Pink Pollinating Perennials and White Flowering Shrubs.
2022 Gardening Design Trends

Creating a Tropical Oasis For The Relaxed Lifestyle
Next on our list of garden trends we expect to see in 2022 is an increase in tropical and exotic-styled gardens.
Indoor tropical plants saw a large increase in popularity in 2021, and with worldwide travel restrictions, it’s no surprise that people would want to make their garden into a relaxing retreat.
For those who live in the warmer, more subtropical climates, this trend is obviously a bit of a given. But there are ways to bring that tropical feel even when your climate is not exactly ideal for plants with a tropical origin. There are many plants that can bring that tropical feel while still tolerating some colder temperatures.
Some plants that create a tropical feel while tolerating cooler conditions include Ferns, Hibiscus, Hostas and Yucca. Producing lustrous foliage, and exotic blooms, these popular garden plants will have your yard feeling like a tropical oasis in no time.
Making The Most of Small Garden Spaces
In the past, if you lived in an apartment building, or had a small yard, the opportunity for gardening felt nearly impossible. But with new perspectives and the rising popularity of container gardens, this negative mindset has gone out the window.
This year, we expect to see a lot of smaller balcony and container gardens on the rise. In selecting your style of planter along with the plants you wish to grow, your container garden can easily be styled uniquely to your preferences and vibe.
Some Garden Goods Direct tips for small-space gardening include using mixed containers, vertical shelving units, and utilizing hanging planters and window boxes. Make the most of your small space this planting season!
2022 Gardening Mindset Trends

Planting For the Eco-Conscious Gardener
Next up is one of our favorite gardening trends that we hope stays trending each and every year for its impact is monumental, and that is gardening from an eco-conscious mindset.
From planting pollinator gardens to planting native, all the way down to gardening for a changing climate, people are learning that the small choices we make in our gardens can make a huge difference in our world. A few popular eco-conscious steps you can take this season include using organic soil blends and fertilizers.
Additionally, the gardening practice of xeriscaping has become a popular way of conserving water in dry and drought-prone regions of the United States. Xeriscaping is defined as the practice of designing a landscape and choosing vegetation that does not require large amounts of water for survival.
Planting flowering shrubs and perennials that attract pollinators is another eco-conscious trend we hope to see more of in 2022. By planting to attract pollinators, you are helping to maintain a healthy and balanced ecosystem. For a wide selection of pollinator plants, be sure to check out our Pollinator Plant Collection.
Gardening For Your Mental Health
Last on our list of gardening trends we expect to see this season is more gardening to benefit one’s mental health. Instead of landscaping and planting to put on a show for neighbors and social media, people are going to start gardening for themselves.
There’s something about gardening and growing something that’s all your own that is so rewarding. This season, when you’re picking out your plants, choose the ones that interest you and ignite feelings of joy and peace. You will be amazed at the way your mental health benefits from it.
Shop Garden Goods Direct For Your Trendy 2022 Garden
Whatever spring gardening trend you feel inclined towards this planting season, Garden Goods Direct has the supplies you need to make your dream garden possible. Shop our wide selection of trees, shrubs, and perennial plants today and have them conveniently shipped to your door!