Espoma All-Season Lawn Food for Sale Online
Espoma All Season Lawn Food is a premium formula designed for safe, easy lawn feeding for the home gardener as well as the professional horticulturist. It provides slow release nitrogen for extended feeding and is granular, non-burning, and easy to apply. Espoma All Season Lawn Food now contains non-staining iron and is now enhanced with Biotone® microbes. Organic based lawn food for all seasons. Safe for kids, pets & the environment. Won’t burn lawns or leach out of the soil.
About Your Espoma All Season Lawn Food
Directions for Using espoma All-Season Lawn Food
Espoma All Season Lawn Food is a premium formula designed for safe, easy lawn feeding for the home gardener as well as the professional horticulturist. It provides slow release nitrogen for extended feeding and is granular, non-burning, and easy to apply. Espoma All Season Lawn Food now contains non-staining iron, and is now enhanced with Biotone® microbes.Organic based lawn food for all seasons. Safe for kids, pets & the environment. Won’t burn lawns or leach out of soil. Enhanced with Bio-tone microbes. Contains non-staining iron and slow release nitrogen. Application Directions: Apply to a dry lawn that has recently been mowed. Use a drop or broadcast spreader and be certain to overlap slightly to prevent striping. Water lightly after the application if rain is not expected within 24 hours. Established Lawns: Feed at a rate of 3.3 lbs. per 1,000 sq. ft. New Lawns: Over-seeding: Feed at a rate of 4 lbs. per 1,000 sq. ft. Seed can be sown on the same day of application. Sodding: Apply to the finished grade soil prior to installation at a rate of 4 lbs. per 1,000 sq. ft. When do use: Feed any time grass is actively growing. • Cool season grass: Feed 3-4 times each year: Early Spring, Late Spring (optional), Early Fall and Late Fall. • Warm season grass: Feed 4-5 times each year: Late Winter, Early Spring, Late Spring, Late Summer, and Fall. Types of Grass: For use on all lawns: Cool season grasses including bluegrass, fine fescue, tall fescue and perennial ryegrass. Warm season grasses including bentgrass, bermuda grass, St. Augustine grass, zoysia grass, and centipede grass. The Espoma family of products have been around a long time and have been authentically involved in producing organic fertilizers since before it became a hot field. Some of their products are “bridge” or “organic based lawn fertilizers” and not truly organic, but they do offer truly organic lawn fertilizers as well. Espoma Organic Lawn Food is a 15-0-5 analysis and is designed for use on your lawn at any time of the year. If you’re going to use Espoma Organic Lawn Food, you’ll probably want to do 4 treatments per year using 5-10 lbs per thousand square feet with each treatment. Espoma Organic Lawn Food is made from 2 organic fertilizer ingredients Feather Meal and Poultry Manure. The Poultry Manure is listed as pasteurized which means that they heated it up to destroy any pathogens. The plus side of this is obvious, but the downside is that the pasteurization also kills good biological life that would really help your soil. A better method than pasteurization would be composting which would also kill pathogens but would preserve more organisms. Espoma tries to solve that problem by adding beneficial bacteria to the product which can help, but won’t provide the full array of microbes that composted poultry manure would provide.