• Tropical plant Philodendron Giganteum forms large, shiny green leaves
  • Giant glossy green leaves of tropical house plant Philodendron Giganteum
  • Tropical plant Philodendron Giganteum planted outdoors showing giant heart-shaped foliage
  • Tropical plants Philodendron Giganteum with dense cluster of huge green leaves

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Philodendron Giganteum

Philodendron giganteum

Philodendron Giganteum are very popular house plants that are also easy to grow. This large tropical philodendron is sure to be on everyone's list of popular clean air houseplants!

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Philodendron Giganteum for Sale Online

The Philodendron Giganteum is known for its giant glossy green foliage. The huge green leaves can grow to be 4 to 5 feet tall and as large as 3 feet across. Philodendron giganteum grows so quickly you can almost see the leaves increase in size each passing day. They love bright, indirect light and make beautiful statements in indoor patios, conservatories, and tropical gardens. Native to the tropics, Philodendron giganteum loves moisture but can tolerate some dryness.

These tropical house plants have been a favorite house plant for years for good reason. It’s easy to care for and freshens up any indoor corner or office. Giganteum needs space – indoors or out, and it loves to climb. So when possible provide a climbing structure such as a moss pole for it to climb. They become a very interesting visual focus when they climb as it brings the splits (or windows) as they are called up to eye level.

Growzone: 9-11 Philodendron Giganteum Hardiness Zone 9-11
Hardiness Zone: 9-11
Mature Height: 4 to 5 Feet
Mature Width: 3 Feet
Classification: Tropical
Sunlight: Fluorescent light to bright, indirect
Habit: Upright
Flower Color: Does not flower often
Foliage: Dark green
Soil Condition: Well draining, cactus or succulent mix (part sand)
Water Requirements: Likes to dry out between waterings
Uses: Does well indoors and in low light conditions

How to Care for Philodendron Giganteum

Be sure to read our planting instructions to ensure a healthy and happy plant for years to come!

What is the best light for Philodendron Giganteum Plants?

What is the best light for Philodendron Giganteum Plants?

Philodendron Giganteum Plants thrive in the low light conditions indoors, living with just fluorescent light. They can handle some bright, indirect light too, but too much light will cause browning.

How often should I water Philodendron Giganteum Plants?

How often should I water Philodendron Giganteum Plants?

Philodendron Giganteum Plants does like to dry out between watering. It does not like to stay wet or sit in water. Plants that are watered too often will not survive. If unsure, do not water. Philodendron can go weeks before being watered again.

What is the best soil for Philodendron Giganteum Plants?

What is the best soil for Philodendron Giganteum Plants?

Philodendron Giganteum Plants prefer a very well draining soil, and prefer to have dry conditions. Regular potting mix with sand mixed in works well for plants potted in containers, otherwise a cactus potting mix would work. The cactus potting mix already has sand and other ingredients to encourage drainage.

How do I fertilize Philodendron Giganteum Plants?

How do I fertilize Philodendron Giganteum Plants?

Any all purpose, fertilizer will work for Philodendron Giganteum Plants. Indoor houseplant fertilizers fall into two groups: water soluble, liquid quick release, and granular, slow release fertilizers. Jack's Classic Indoor Plant Food works well as a powder, quick release fertilizer that is mixed with water to quickly provide nutrients to a plant that has been in a container for an extended time.

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