• Raven ZZ in white pot
  • detailed view of Raven ZZ
  • Raven ZZ Plants dark succulent upright  foliage that runs opposite along the stem
  • close view of Raven ZZ

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Raven ZZ Plant

Zamioculcas zamifolia 'Raven'

This is the Rare Black form of the common ZZ Plant. Easy-to-care for and can tolerate a wide range of growing conditions. Also known for its clean-air properties.

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Raven ZZ plants For Sale Online

Raven ZZ Plants (Zamioculcas zamiifolia) is a variety of ZZ Plant most known for its deep purple-black foliage. This extraordinary plant brings the best qualities of a regular ZZ Plant and adds a bit of a twist. This plant is tolerant of a wide range of light conditions, from bright light to florescent lighting and anywhere in between. Zamioculcas zamiifolia raven plants have been gaining popularity because of their easy-to-care-for nature.

This plant prefers well-draining soil conditions, and it is important to ensure proper drainage in their containers. Raven ZZ Plants can survive weeks without being watered, and if they are watered too frequently, they may get root rot disease. The ZZ Raven also is a clean air plant cleaning the formaldehyde, benzene, and carbon monoxide from the air. This plant also does well in pretty much any location and humidity level.

Growzone: 9-11 Raven ZZ Plant Hardiness Zones 9-11
Hardiness Zone: 9-11
Mature Height: 3 to 4 Feet
Mature Width: 1- 2 Feet
Classification: Non-flowering Houseplant
Sunlight: Bright indirect or fluorescent lighting; can survive in low light conditions
Habit: Upright
Flower Color: Does not flower indoors
Foliage: Black/Purple; Glossy
Soil Condition: Well draining, cactus or succulent mix (part sand)
Water Requirements: Likes to stay dry
Uses: Excellent indoors as focal point or background plant

How to Care for Raven ZZ Plant

After you purchase your Raven ZZ Plant, be sure to read the recommended care instructions to ensure your plant remains happy and healthy for years to come!

What is the best soil for Raven ZZ Plants?

What is the best soil for Raven ZZ Plants?

Raven ZZ Plants thrive in well-draining potting soil and soil conditions that dry out between watering. It is best to pot your houseplant in a container with excellent drainage holes. Doing so will allow excess water to drain through the soil and out of the pot; so your plant does not hold on to excess moisture. If your houseplant does not have well-draining soil and a container with drainage holes, it could get root rot disease from sitting in standing water for too long.

What is the Best Sunlight for my Raven ZZ Plant?

What is the Best Sunlight for my Raven ZZ Plant?

Raven ZZ Plants can handle the lowest of light conditions. You can grow your Raven ZZ Plant under fluorescent light as well. On the other hand, in their native habitat, they live outdoors in full sun, desert conditions. These houseplants will thrive with any level of light, from full sun to fluorescent light and anywhere in between.

How do I water Raven ZZ Plants?

How do I water Raven ZZ Plants?

Raven ZZ Plants prefer to dry out completely between watering. If you water your houseplant too frequently, it will not survive. These plants do not like to sit in standing water for a long time. If so, your Raven ZZ Plant could suffer from root rot disease. If this disease is not caught quickly, it is irreversible and will kill your plant. If you are unsure if you should water your plant, give it a day or two before watering, to be on the safe side.

How do I fertilize Raven ZZ Plants?

How do I fertilize Raven ZZ Plants?

It is not necessary to fertilize your Raven ZZ Plants regularly. However, if you choose to do so, any all-purpose foliage fertilizer will work perfectly. Fertilizing your houseplant will offer it extra nutrients to help it grow and thrive. It is especially important to add fertilizer to your plant's soil when transitioning into a new environment. Doing so will help ensure your plant acclimates to the new environment with ease.

Frequently Asked questions

Are Raven ZZ Plants Clean Air Plants?

Why is my Raven ZZ Plant Turning Green?

How Do I Know if my Raven ZZ Plant is Dying?

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