GreenView Fairway Formula Fall Fertilizer 30-0-12
Greenview Fairway Formula Fall Fertilizer is specifically designed for application in the fall.
This is the ideal Fall Fertilizer as it helps established grass continue to grow strong, vigorous roots and prepares the grass for surviving winter stress. It also helps maintain a thick, green lawn through the fall months and provides for early spring greening.
Professional lawn care experts know healthy turf needs an even, continuous flow of nutrients, best achieved with a mix of time-released nitrogen sources.
Greenview Fairway Formula Fall Fertilizer is designed for use in the fall, the most critical time of the year for feeding your lawn. It helps established grass continue to grow strong, vigorous roots and prepares grass for surviving winter stress.
This unique formulation helps maintain a thick, green lawn through the fall months and provides for early spring greening. For best results, apply GreenView Fairway Formula Fall Fertilizer during the fall months of September to October.
Use Instructions:
For established lawns: For best results, make a single application of GreenView Fairway Formula Fall Fertilizer in early fall at the application rate that complies with your state law or local ordinances. Do not apply to frozen turf.
For New Lawns: Fall is the best time to seed new lawns. After the lawn has been established and mowed about 2 to 3 times (4 to 6 weeks after seeding or sodding), apply GreenView FairWay Formula Fall Fertilizer at the application rate, which complies with your state law or local ordinances.
Do not apply to frozen turf. Do not apply near water, storm drains, or drainage ditches. Do not apply if heavy rain is expected. Apply this product only to your lawn and sweep any product that lands on the driveway, sidewalk, or street back onto your lawn. Do not hand spread. Store unused fertilizer safely. Keep out of reach of children.
Suggested Spreader Settings: Broadcast: Apply in a single pass by starting on the outside border and applying in a circular path working toward the center. Drop Spreader: First, make two passes along the top of the area you'll be covering.
Then make two passes along the bottom of the area. Then move back and forth along the long part of the lawn. Overlap the coverage slightly on each pass. Shut off the spreader as you reach the strips at the top and bottom of the area to be covered. It's also important to shut off the spreader when you are stopped.
GreenView Fairway Formula Two-Step Fertilization Program
Choose the proper spring formulation that best suits your lawn care needs - whether it's crabgrass control, weed control, or both - or just straight fertilizer! Fairway Formula fertilizer is a premium quality mix of technologies appropriate to the season to provide even, steady nitrogen release. This allows you to fertilize once in the spring and once in the fall to give your lawn the nitrogen and potassium it needs.