Images Depict Mature Plants
Weeping Norway Spruce Trees for Sale Online
Weeping Norway Spruce trees are excellent evergreen trees that are known for their unique and remarkable features. Its branches cascade downwards and are densely covered in rich, green needles. You can even train this tree to climb up a fence or wall.
If you stake your tree upright, it can grow upwards of 15 feet or taller. Weeping Norway Spruce is a cold-hardy tree that can thrive in temperatures as low as minus 40 degrees.
This tree can grow in almost any kind of soil condition, including sunny areas, and once it is established, it can withstand dry spells every so often. Plant this tree in your garden as a beautiful focal point or specimen tree.
Hardiness Zone: | 3-8 |
Mature Height: | 15 feet |
Mature Width: | 4 to 6 Feet |
Classification: | Conifer / Evergreen |
Sunlight: | Partial to Full Sun |
Habit: | Densely branched, trailing |
Foliage: | Rich green |
Flower Color: | Inconspicuous |
Pruning Season: | Prune in late spring to maintain shape |
Soil Condition: | Any well drained soil |
Water Requirements: | Water well until established, moderately drought tolerant |
Uses: | Extremely attractive when used as a specimen tree |
How to Care for Weeping Norway Spruce
Before you purchase your Weeping Norway Spruce, be sure to read the recommended care instructions to ensure your tree remains happy and healthy for many years to come!
How Do I Plant My Weeping Norway Spruce Tree?
When choosing a spot to plant your Spruce tree, always avoid planting next to sidewalks or buildings. Also, it is crucial not to plant your tree during extremely dry weather. Ensure it has at least six weeks to develop before the first frost of the winter. To plant your tree, begin by digging a hole twice as large as the root ball and just as deep. Next, dampen the roots to prepare for planting and place the root ball into the hole. Remember to keep the trunk standing straight. Backfill the hole with a mix of your native soil and gardening soil. Lastly, add mulch around the base of your Weeping Norway Tree to keep weeds and grasses from growing around where you planted the tree.
How Should I Fertilize My Weeping Norway Spruce Tree?
Feed your Spruce tree with a mild, slow-release fertilizer for its initial growing season. We recommend saving strong fertilizer options for when your tree is well established to ensure its roots can handle the intensity of the fertilizer. Once your tree is established, feed it twice a month during early spring and once a month during the summer. Be sure to not fertilize your plant over its dormancy period of the winter months.
How Should I Prune My Weeping Norway Spruce Tree?
You can allow your Norway Spruce tree to grow naturally, or you can prune or train it to control the shape. Prune your Weeping Norway Spruce tree in the early spring or late winter. If your tree is young, follow branch tips back until you have two branches growing to either size. Snip off the center branch growth. Doing so will encourage the side branches that remain to grow faster and will make the tree bushier. You can also cut the lowest rung of branches on the tree to force more height.
How Do I Water My Weeping Norway Spruce Tree?
After backfilling and lightly compacting the 50/50 mix of existing soil and compost, give the Weeping Norway Spruce a deep watering. Most of the water you put on the plant at first will run away from the plant until the soil is soaked. A general rule of thumb is to count to 5 for every one gallon of pot size. For example, a one-gallon pot receives water until you count to 5, and a three-gallon container would be 15, and so on. Water your plant at the base near the soil line only.