• beautiful gold fish plant in white pot
  • goldfish plant
  • close up of goldfish blooms
  • goldfish plant foliage has upward growth
  • goldfish plat has glossy thick green foliage that contrast the bright orange blooms

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Goldfish Plant

Nematanthus radicans

Children love the flower shape of this plant. Dark green Leaves really highlight the bright orange flowers. Easy to grow in any bright area of the home or apartment.

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Goldfish Plant for Sale Online 

Goldfish Plants do well in hanging baskets or other containers where the vines can hang freely and flower prolifically. Easy to grow houseplant great for beginners. Kids love this plant for the goldfish-shaped flowers.

Growzone: 9-11 Goldfish Plant Hardiness Zones 9-11
Hardiness Zone: 9-11
Mature Height: 6 to 8 Inches
Mature Width: 10 to 12 Inches
Classification: House Plant
Sunlight: Bright, indirect light
Habit: Hanging Plant
Flower Color: Bright orange
Foliage: Green, glossy
Soil Condition: Likes to dry out occasionally
Water Requirements: Likes to dry out between watering
Uses: Especially attractive in hanging baskets or in plant stands

How to Care for Goldfish Plant

Be sure to read the recommended care instructions for the Goldfish plant to keep your houseplant healthy and thriving for years to come.

What is the best light for the Goldfish Plant?

What is the best light for the Goldfish Plant?

Goldfish Plant needs bright, indirect light from a windowsill. Northern or eastern facing windows would be ideal conditions, the perfect amount of light to encourage bud and bloom production. A shaded western or southern window might work as long as no strong, direct sun touches the leaves. Direct sun will burn the leaves while too little light prevents the plant from flowering.

How do I water the Goldfish Plant?

How do I water the Goldfish Plant?

Goldfish Plant likes to dry out occasionally between watering. It does not like to stay or sit in water or get too dry. Goldfish Plants that are watered too often usually rot, meaning the plants will die. Originally from tropical conditions, Goldfish Plant does like high humidity. Pebble trays or having the plant in the kitchen or bathroom which are normally more humid work well.

What is the best soil for the Goldfish Plant?

What is the best soil for the Goldfish Plant?

Goldfish Plant needs a soil, and prefers to have slightly moist conditions. Regular potting mix with sphagnum moss added or African Violet potting mix works well.

How do I fertilize the Goldfish Plant?

How do I fertilize the Goldfish Plant?

Any all purpose fertilizer will work for Goldfish Plant. Indoor houseplant fertilizers fall into two groups: water soluble, liquid quick release, and granular, slow release fertilizers. Any type of fertilizer offers nutrients that help plants with the transition to a new environment. We offer a one year warranty on our plants when you purchase Bio-tone at checkout and use it per label instructions. The best fertilizer for Goldfish Plant that encourages blooming is Jack's Classic Blossom Booster.

Additional Information

Goldfish Plants are known for their maroon flower that appears on the ends of the branches. The petals of the flower are spotted with maroon and yellow, and are very attractive as well. Goldfish Plant flowers readily, requiring minimal conditions to be healthy and happy. They are easy to propagate, and do especially well in hanging baskets or plant stands where the flower can be admired. The foliage is bright green and waxy, making Goldfish Plant attractive when it's not flowering. It prefers to be in plenty of bright, indirect light and likes to dry out somewhat between watering. It's a low maintenance houseplant that rewards its keepers with pretty, tubular blooms. Goldfish Plant does well in hanging baskets or other containers where the vines can hang freely and flower prolifically. This houseplant is named for the bright orange flowers. They are an easy going houseplant that requires occasion watering and bright, indirect light. Goldfish Plant has glossy, light green leaves and a trailing, cascading habit. Flowers are terminal, opening gradually in clusters on the ends of the branches

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