• the christmas fern has long foliage a few feet long
  • christmas fern fronds are leathery green and serrated
  • a close look at the glossy fronds of the christmas fern sold online

Images Depict Mature Plants

Christmas Fern

Polystichum acrostichoides

Providing year-round interest, the Christmas ferns glossy leaf clusters stand resilient to winter weather. This low-maintenance plant has no insect or disease problems and is a wonderful addition to any shady location, especially along moist banks and ravines.

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Christmas Fern Plants for Sale Online

The Christmas Fern (Polystichum acrostichoides) is an evergreen fern that gets its name from its ability to maintain its vibrant green color throughout the Christmas season.

The leathery, glossy fronds climb up in clusters that emerge from a crownless rootstock. These fern clusters can reach up to 2 feet long and spread in a fountain-like habit. In the spring, young fronds appear silvery before developing into showy leaves.

Native to Eastern North America, the Christmas fern is best as a ground cover, container plant, or into mixed shaded gardens. It is very easy to establish when planted in moist, well-draining, sandy soil. In these conditions, it can be an evergreen plant. Flourishes in hardiness zones 3 through 9.

Growzone: 3-9 Christmas Fern Hardiness Zones 3-9
Hardiness Zone 3-9
Mature Height: 1 to 2 Feet
Mature Width: 1 to 2 Feet
Classification: Green foliage
Sunlight: Full to partial shade
Habit: Cascading, spreading
Flower Color: Does not flower
Foliage: Green, flat fronds
Soil Condition: Prefers moist, well-draining or sandy soil
Water Requirements: Does not like to dry out between watering
Uses: Excellent in a mixed wooded garden or along a bank

How to Care for Christmas Fern

Before you buy a Christmas Fern Plant, make sure to read about the care instructions that are recommended to keep this plant healthy and thriving.

What is the best light for Christmas Ferns?

What is the best light for Christmas Ferns?

The Christmas Fern gets stressed when placed in locations with too much sun. This evergreen perennial likes to stay cool and shaded.

How often do I water Christmas Fern Plants?

How often do I water Christmas Fern Plants?

Christmas Fern likes to stay moist. It does not like to stay or sit in water. If the soil does not drain well, it may create rot problems. Water frequently with well-draining soil.

How do I fertilize Christmas Ferns?

How do I fertilize Christmas Ferns?

Hold of fertilization during the first growing season. In the second spring and after establishment, apply a light amount of a slightly acidic fertilizer to the soil around the plant. As always, take caution, over-fertilization is much worse than under-fertilization.

What is the best soil for Christmas Fern Plants?

What is the best soil for Christmas Fern Plants?

Boston Fern prefers to have moist conditions but thrives in sand soils that drain well. Plants can not stay constantly wet, but do not like to go completely dry either.

Frequently Asked questions

How do I divide my Christmas Ferns?

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