How Not To Kill Your Houseplants
A Guide To Growing Houseplants For Beginners
When it comes to caring for houseplants, there are some people who just seem to have that natural green thumb; everything they touch flourishes and their house looks like a self-proclaimed jungle.
And there are others who, no matter what they seem to do, just can’t seem to keep anything alive. If you feel like you’ve been cursed with a black thumb this blog is for you!
If you follow a few basic steps, you will feel like a houseplant expert in no time at all! From basic plant survival tips to the more in-depth causes of plant deaths, we have the information you need to make the transformation from horticulturally challenged to plant parent of the year in no time!
Evaluate Your Lighting

The first important factor to take into consideration is the lighting your home gets. Certain plants require more light than others, so it's important you understand the sunshine levels in your home before you start placing plants throughout it.
Most plants enjoy a bright indirect light, which would ideally be placed in an east or west-facing window. However, some plants like cacti and succulents can handle more intense rays and would do well in a south-facing window that gets heavy sun. And then, there are the low-light-tolerant plants that thrive in conditions with little to no sun at all!
For a more in-depth look at houseplant lighting levels, be sure to check out our blog on Indoor Plant Lighting Breakdowns! The blog highlights the different angles of lighting and helps you to understand what types of plants will thrive in your specific environment.
Know Your Plant’s Watering Need

Once you’ve determined what will grow best where in your home, you can move on to learning the best methods of watering your plants.
This can be a bit tricky, as the watering needs of a plant can differ depending on the environment in which it's grown. This is where you will have to do some keen observations and begin to understand the signs your plant will give you when it is in need of watering or nutrients.
When your plants begin wilting and browning at the ends and leaves become crunchy, you have likely underwatered your plant and it is due for a good soaking.
The most common cause of plant death is root rot which happens as a result of overwatering your plants. Most plants prefer to dry out in between waterings for this reason. When stems become brown and mushy and yellowing leaves become more prevalent, it is likely that you gave your plant a bit too much love.
Understanding The Importance of Drainage Holes

Root rot is more prevalent in plants that do not have a source of drainage. This is why it is extremely important that you grow your plants in a pot with drainage holes so excess water can escape and your plant is not sitting in a wet pot with water that it does not need!
Choosing The Right Soil Medium

Next on the list of steps to take in order to grow happy and healthy houseplants, is to choose the proper growing medium!
Different plants have different needs based on their root systems, so it is important to do the research before potting your plant into just any dirt!
We recommend opting for organic soil that is not packed with harsh chemicals that may cause more harm than they do help your plant. We offer a wide range of fantastic organic soil options from basic organic potting mix to more specific cactus potting mix and African violet potting mix.
Protecting From Pests

Last on the list of steps to becoming the houseplant parent of the year, is protecting your indoor plants from plant pests. Most common is an infestation of spider mites that, if left untreated, can kill your house plant.
In order to protect your plant from the many different pests that can suck the energy and life out of your plants, we recommend frequent misting and cleaning of your plant’s foliage. Using organic products like Bonide’s Insecticidal Soap can help keep your leaves shiny and your plant free of pests!
Get To Growing
Houseplants truly have a way of sprucing up your living space and bringing much-needed color and life to a home. Don't let the fear of failure stop you from transforming your space!
Whether you’re a houseplant expert or you’re just getting started, we have what you need to grow the indoor jungle of your dreams! Shop online today to have all of your houseplant-needs shipped directly to your home.