7 Tips For Planting An Eco-Conscious Garden

7 Tips For Planting An Eco-Conscious Garden

Apr 21, 2023

As we dive into the 2023 garden season, the need to be sustainable and eco-conscious is more important than ever. By planting an eco-conscious garden, you are personally responsible for improving the quality of life, protecting our ecosystem, and preserving precious natural resources for future generations.

If you want to make a positive impact on the environment and the world you live in, but you don't know where to start, we have a few ideas to get you started.

1. Plant Native

plant native in the garden

We hate to sound like a broken record…but the sheer impact of planting native plants alone has the ability to transform your local ecosystem as you know it. Native plants provide endless benefits to people and wildlife!

Native plants are plants that are indigenous to a given region and have been naturally growing there for thousands of years. Because these species have been thriving in a certain zone for so long, they bring with them a host of beneficial pollinators, and wildlife that work to create a balanced ecosystem.

Beyond supporting important local wildlife, native plants also require less water, and fertilizer to sustain life, in turn helping gardeners and landscapers to conserve water and have less of a need to use harmful chemicals that negatively impact the environment.

Here at Garden Goods Direct, we pride ourselves in offering a wide range of US native trees, shrubs, and perennials for shipment directly to your front door! Choose native plants today and make a difference.

2. Grow For The Pollinators

save the pollinators

The next important tip for planting an eco-conscious garden is to plant with the pollinators in mind. Not to be dramatic…but without pollinators, the human race and all of Earth’s terrestrial ecosystems would seize to exist.

Pollinators such as bumble bees, moths, bats, and butterflies are essential factors in plant reproduction. According to the United States Department of Agriculture, in carrying pollen from one plant to another, the actions of these hard-working creatures account for about 75% of the world’s flowering plants and about 35% of the world’s food crops.

3. Protect Your Beneficial Insects

beneficial insects lady bugs

While there are plenty of bugs you want nothing to do with, it’s important to note that not all bugs are bad! There are plenty of beneficial insects that work to keep pests at bay and maintain the health of your garden!

Insects like ladybugs and beetles are great organic, non-chemical options for treating pests that will kill your plants such as white flies, aphids, and spider mites!

4. Plant Trees For Shade

plant shade trees

Next on the list of tips for creating an eco-conscious garden is planting shade trees that provide a significant level of shade to your yard. In doing this you work to conserve water throughout the landscape while keeping your plants cool and healthy in the warmer months.

5. Create a Xeriscape

how to xeriscape

Xeriscaping is a newer landscaping concept that has become increasingly popular in recent years. Such is the practice of removing all grass, and notoriously thirsty plants, and in place opting for more drought-tolerant plants that require little to no water outside of natural precipitation.

For more information on implementing a Xeriscape into your yard, be sure to check out our Xeriscaping blog!

6. Plant a Rain Garden

plant a rain garden

In addition to Xeriscaping, another popular eco-conscious practice in the landscape is the act of making a rain garden.

Rain gardens are planted in the depression of a landscape to ultimately collect rainwater runoff and absorb it. In acting as a natural sponge for your yard, you can work to retain many pollutants that are carried in rainwater runoff.

For more information on rain gardens and how to create your own, read our Rain Garden Blog!

7. Go Organic

go organic

The last tip we have to maintain an eco-conscious mindset in the garden is to go totally organic. That means zero harmful pesticides and chemicals used on your plants! While at times such chemicals can feel necessary in the garden, there are a variety of organic options that can have the same positive effect in your plantings.

Check out our organic garden care offerings available for shipment directly to your front door!