Images Depict Mature Plants
White Mandevilla Plants for Sale Online
White Mandevilla (Mandevilla sanderi) is a tropical plant, known for its trumpet-shaped bold white flowers and blue-green foliage. Native to South America, this plant is sure to add a dramatic statement to any outdoor space to help create a tropical feel.
This tropical twining vine grows well with other flowers and can grow up to heights of 20 feet when planted in full sun and humid weather. White Mandevilla grows well in containers and in planter beds and as a flower to break up any color patterns in your garden.
Hardiness Zone: | 10-11 |
Mature Height: | 20 Feet |
Mature Width: | 3 Feet |
Classification: | Tropical |
Sunlight: | Full-sun |
Habit: | Upright |
Flower Color: | White |
Foliage: | Blue-green |
Soil Condition: | Moist, well-drained soil |
Water Requirements: | Medium watering |
Uses: | Grows well indoor and outdoor as a climbing vine |
How to Care for White Mandevilla
Be sure to read our planting instructions to ensure a healthy and happy plant for years to come!
What type of light is best for White Mandevilla?
When planted indoors, choose a well-lit area for your Mandevilla. Try not to give it direct sunlight as this could cause discoloration or burn their blossoms. They also enjoy humid air so it is best to place them outside during the summer months for them to thrive. When planting Mandevilla outside choose a spot in your garden that will get a bit of shade throughout the day.
How do I fertilize Mandevilla?
A good rule of thumb is to fertilize your White Mandevilla climbing vine once every two weeks during their blooming season. We recommend using an all-purpose fertilizer for their feed.
How do I water Mandevilla?
This tropical vine is drought-tolerant and can sustain itself in relatively dry soil. We recommend watering once a week, however, check their soil to see if it is dry 1/2 inches down (if potted) and 1 to 2 inches (in the ground) before watering. If you have recently repotted your White Mandevilla, water in small amounts every 5 days for about a month. If your plant has wilted or sagging leaves, lower brown leaves, or stunted growth it is a sign that it could be under-watered.
How do I plant Mandevilla?
Mandevilla is typically purchased as an indoor plant in cooler climates, but can be planted outdoors. If planting outside, it is best to do so during the spring. This plant is native to South America and grows best in temperatures of at least 70 degrees outdoors. Keep in mind that Mandevilla plants will die if outdoor temperatures drop under 50 degrees for long periods of time. If potted, we recommend repotting every 1 to 2 years prior to the spring blooming season. This will give your plant just enough time to reestablish before their blossoming season begins.