red oleander bush in a garden white oleander pinwheel flowers yellow flower on tropical oleander plant with green foliage
red oleander bush in a garden white oleander pinwheel flowers yellow flower on tropical oleander plant with green foliage

Images Depict Mature Plants

Oleander Plant

Nerium oleander

Tolerating a wide range of conditions, the only thing stopping this tropical plant are cold climates. Coming in a variety of colors you're sure to find the perfect one for your home.


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Oleander Plants for Sale Online

Oleander (Nerium oleander) is a tropical plant, known for its pinwheel-shaped flowers of white, red, ad pink. Oleander grows well in containers and indoors. This easy-to-grow plant attracts hummingbirds and butterflies and is deer/rabbit resistant. A tropical climbing vine, this plant is not cold-hardy and should not be planted in most gardens. Instead, you could plant it in a container on a patio and watch it dramatically climb its way upwards.

Hardiness Zone: 9-11
Mature Height: 20 Feet
Mature Width: 3 Feet
Classification: Tropical
Sunlight: Full-sun
Habit: Upright
Flower Color: Red, white, bi-color
Foliage: Blue-green
Soil Condition: Moist, well-drained soil
Water Requirements: Medium watering
Uses: Grows well indoor and outdoor as a climbing vine
Growzone: 9-11 Oleander Plant Hardiness Zone 9-11

How to Care for Oleander Plant

Be sure to read our planting instructions to ensure a healthy and happy plant for years to come!

How do I fertilize Oleander?

How do I fertilize Oleander?

Oleander typically does not need to be fed fertilizer. However, the first year you can fertilize with a balanced fertilizer in the spring. Also, some varieties may benefit from small amounts of a nitrogen based fertilizer. Make sure you are careful with the amount of fertilizer you give your oleander, too much could burn their roots and cause damage.

How much sunlight does my Tropical Oleander need?

How much sunlight does my Tropical Oleander need?

Oleanders love warm weather and that means they love themselves some sun. If planting them on your deck or patio, place their container near an area that receives tons of sunshine. If placing them in your home, put them next to a south facing window. If your plant gets partial shade during the day, that is okay. Watch out for a 'leggy' open-look and reduced flowers. If you notice this happening, your plant is not getting enough sun.

How do I water Oleander?

How do I water Oleander?

Surprisingly, this tropical vine is drought-tolerant and can sustain itself in dry soil. We recommend you water oleander thoroughly, but let its soil dry in between watering. They can actually look their best when they are watered after a dry spell. Best measure is to water them 1 inch each week until they are established. Be sure to not over-water your plant to avoid downy mildew and yellow leaves. Also, overwatering can be easy to do in the winter, avoid this as much as possible because it can cause root rot.

How do I prune Oleander Plants?

How do I prune Oleander Plants?

The key to pruning oleander is to wait until they have flowered. We recommend cutting flowered shoots by half and tip prune others. Pruning annually is not necessary, but better flower yields will occur. Pruning also makes it easier to keep this plant in a smaller sized container if that is what you prefer. It is important to note that Oleander is a toxic plant and to always handle with care and safety. Be sure to wear protective gear like gloves and goggles to prevent any problems.

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