curly leaved boston fern in pot Curly Boston Fern Plant curly leaves of curly boston fern with dark green foliage curly leaves of curly boston fern with dark green foliage
curly leaved boston fern in pot Curly Boston Fern Plant curly leaves of curly boston fern with dark green foliage curly leaves of curly boston fern with dark green foliage

Images Depict Mature Plants

Curly Boston Fern

Nephrolepis exaltata 'Emina'

Boston Ferns have been adding elegance to homes and porches for hundreds of years. These Curly Boston Ferns look great as hanging plants or placed on a plant stand as a single specimen or grouped with other house plants. Denser foliage and more upright than the regular Boston Fern and tolerates more light as well.


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Curly Boston Fern Plants for Sale Online

The Curly Boston Fern or Emina Boston Fern is known for its elegant, finely-toothed, sword-shaped fronds (Leaves) that are twisted and curved. Great in hanging baskets or containers for indoors or outdoors on the patio or deck.

The Curly Boston Fern is a good plant to keep around as it cleans the air in your home of harmful chemicals and toxins.

Hardiness Zone 9-11
Mature Height: 18 to 24 Inches
Mature Width: 30 to 36 Inches
Classification: Green Foliage
Sunlight: Bright, indirect light to mostly shade
Habit: Cascading, Dense foliage
Flower Color: Does not flower
Foliage: Green, dense fronds
Soil Condition: Prefers soil that will retain moisture
Water Requirements: Does not like to dry out between watering
Uses: Excellent individually or in a container or hanging basket, inside or out
Growzone: 9-11 Curly Boston Fern Hardiness Zone 9-11

How to Care for Curly Boston Fern

Be sure to read our planting instructions to ensure a healthy and happy plant for years to come!

What is the best light for Curly Boston Ferns?

What is the best light for Curly Boston Ferns?

Indoors, Curly Boston Fern needs bright, indirect light from a windowsill. Northern or eastern facing windows would keep your plant happy. Outside, Curly Boston Ferns can handle some sun, but not much. Again, eastern exposure or dappled shade would be ideal. The fronds will burn and turn yellow then brown if exposed to too much sunlight.

How often do I water a Curly Boston Fern Plants?

How often do I water a Curly Boston Fern Plants?

Curly Boston Ferns likes to stay moist. It does not like to stay or sit in water or get too dry. Find a consistent rhythm with your Curly Boston Fern so that it stays moist but not wet, and never dries out.

How do I fertilize Curly Boston Ferns?

How do I fertilize Curly Boston Ferns?

Any all purpose, foliage fertilizer will work for Curly Boston Fern. Indoor houseplant fertilizers fall into two groups: water soluble, liquid quick release, and granular, slow release fertilizers. Jack's Classic Indoor plant food works well as a powder, quick release fertilizer that is mixed with water to quickly provide nutrients to a plant that has been in a container for an extended time. Osmocote Indoor/Outdoor is an option as a granular, slow release fertilizer that can be applied while potting and planting. Any type of fertilizer offers nutrients that help plants with the transition to a new environment.

What is the best soil for Curly Boston Fern Plants?

What is the best soil for Curly Boston Fern Plants?

Curly Boston Fern likes a dense soil, and prefers to have moist conditions. Plants can not stay constantly wet, but do not like to go completely dry either. It's best to use a regular potting mix or a potting mix based in peat moss, which retains moisture.

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