Bonide Weed Beater Ultra Concentrate for Sale Online
New chemistry that’s especially effective on over 200 hard-to-kill weeds right to the roots. Bonide Weed Beater Ultra Concentrate is a systemic herbicide effective on over 200 broadleaf weeds in warm and cool-season grass. Visible results in just 24 hours! Rainfast once dry.
You can use Bonide Weed Beater ULTRA and reseed in 14 days. With Bonide Weed Beater Ultra Concentrate, you will see visible results in one day, with complete plant kill occurring in 1-2 weeks. A unique feature of this product is that it can be used early in spring and late in fall in temperatures as low as 45 F. Bonide Weed Beater ULTRA is highly selective and safe to use in most established turfgrass and provides superior post-emergent control.
Bonide Weed Beater Ultra Concentrate is the ultimate systemic broadleaf weed killer for lawn and turf. New chemistry that’s especially effective on over 200 hard-to-kill weeds right to the roots. Visible results in just 24 hours! Rain fast once dry. Bonide Weed Beater Ultra Concentrate is a systemic herbicide effective on over 200 broadleaf weeds in warm and cool season grasses. With Bonide Weed Beater Ultra Concentrate, you will see visible results in one day, with complete plant kill occurring in 1-2 weeks. You can use Bonide Weed Beater ULTRA and reseed in 14 days. A unique feature of this product is that it can be used early in spring and late in fall in temperatures as low as 45 F. Bonide Weed Beater ULTRA is highly selective and safe to use in most established turfgrass and provides superior post-emergent control.