Aglaonema Cherry Pink features broad leaves and bright cherry color pink cream and green variegated leaves on aglaonema cherry pink leaves emerge pink and mature to pink on aglaonema cherry pink aglaonema cherry pink matures into a brilliant pink plant with green edges
Aglaonema Cherry Pink features broad leaves and bright cherry color pink cream and green variegated leaves on aglaonema cherry pink leaves emerge pink and mature to pink on aglaonema cherry pink aglaonema cherry pink matures into a brilliant pink plant with green edges

Images Depict Mature Plants

Aglaonema Cherry Pink

Aglaonema 'Cherry Pink'

This is a new introduction to the Aglaonema family for 2021 and we love its cute, cherry-pink variegated foliage that completely covers the large leaves.


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Aglaonema Cherry Pink for Sale Online

If you love pink houseplants, then this is the plant for you. This aglaonema produces leaves that emerge creamy white but mature to pink. A standout from other pink aglaonemas that feature equal parts pink and green, the Cherry Pink Aglaonema leaves are nearly entirely pink. A bit of dark green borders the broad leaves for a bold comparison to the soft pink.

Cherry Pink Chinese Evergreen tolerates bright, indirect light better than some of its darker-leaved cousins. Truly an eye-catching plant, this conversation piece fits perfectly in the office or home.

Hardiness Zone: 10-11
Mature Height: 2.5 to 3 Feet
Mature Width: 1 to 2 Feet
Sunlight: Fluorescent to bright indirect
Habit: Compact habit
Foliage: Pink with white and green variegation
Soil Condition: Evenly moist in well-draining soil
Water Requirements: Water when top inch is dry, likes even moisture
Uses: Indoor plant perfect for shelves, windowsills, coffee tables
Pet Safety: Not pet safe, toxic to cats and dogs
Growzone: 10-11 Aglaonema Cherry Pink Hardiness Zone 10-11

How to Care for Aglaonema Cherry Pink

Be sure to read our planting instructions to ensure a healthy and happy plant for years to come!

What light is best for Aglaonema Cherry Pink Plants?

What light is best for Aglaonema Cherry Pink Plants?

Aglaonema Cherry Pink likes bright, indirect light, and will tolerate shaded low light or fluorescent light. Aglaonemas do not tolerate bright direct sunlight. This can cause the leaves to burn.

How do I fertilize Aglaonema Plants?

How do I fertilize Aglaonema Plants?

Aglaonema plants should be fertilized twice a year, once in the spring and once in the summer is sufficient. A slow release indoor plant food or a liquid formula would both work. Just make sure to stay within the recommended rates, or even half strength for smaller plants will do.

How do I water Aglaonema Cherry Pink?

How do I water Aglaonema Cherry Pink?

Aglaonema Cherry Pink plants like to stay evenly moist, but as with most plants it is better to underwater them than overwater them. A humidity tray with pebbles or spraying the leaves with water occasionally will help keep this humidity-loving plant happy. If the leaves are browning, it is a good idea to switch to bottled, or filtered water since is it sensitive to salts and minerals in city water.

What soil is best for Pink Aglaonema Plants?

What soil is best for Pink Aglaonema Plants?

A good quality potting soil with both organic matter and good drainage is best for an Aglaonema. You can create a mix of organic potting soil and cactus soil to create more drainage if you tend to over-water plants.

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