Bloom Calendar for Flowering Trees, Shrubs, Perennials & More!
The anticipation of a flourishing garden of blooms is a feeling that almost any gardener can relate to. However, with so many plants to choose from, it can become overwhelming and confusing to decide exactly what you want to plant and when!
Lucky for you, the garden experts here at Garden Goods Direct have got you covered! We’ve compiled an all-encompassing bloom calendar to simplify the decision-making and planting process for you!

Early Spring Bloomers
You know that old saying, “Early bird gets the worm!” Well, it’s the same concept in the garden; the earlier you get your plants in the ground the more blooms you can enjoy throughout the spring season!
If you are in search of some early spring color for your garden, you’ve come to the right place! We offer a wide selection of early-blooming trees, shrubs, perennials, and annuals available for shipment directly to your front door! Listed below are just a few of our favorite early spring additions to get planted in the landscape as soon as possible for a flourishing show of flowers!
First on the list of favorite early spring bloomers, is Spring-Blooming Camellias. Camellias offer breathtaking rose-like blooms along with lustrous evergreen foliage. These hardy shrubs will rebloom every year and bring unmatched elegance and grace to a landscape.
Another early-blooming favorite that completes any landscape is Cherry Blossom Trees! With the world-renowned Cherry Blossom Festival that occurs in our nation's capital, this is truly a tree worth celebrating. Offering up to the most eye-catching flourish of pink blooms, Cherry Blossom Trees are a must-have addition to any garden or landscape project.
Pair your Camellias and Cherry Blossoms with a Forsythia to really start your spring show of color off with a bang! Forsythia brings golden bright hues to a landscape beginning in early March, typically even before an area’s last frost date!
Mid-Spring Bloomers
Next on the calendar for blooms, is the mid-spring bloomers that typically emerge in mid-April to early May. Mid-spring is the prime time to get out in the garden as the temperatures are delightful and the sun is not too overbearing quite yet.
One of the most well-loved mid-spring bloomers is the American Redbud Tree. These gorgeous trees are considered native from New Jersey all the way down to northern Mexico! The vibrant magenta flowers on these trees develop before the foliage even makes its way to the surface!
In addition to Redbud Trees, another Mid-Spring Bloomer to look out for is the Dogwood Tree. Dogwood Trees are a staple in many landscapes across the US, loved for their unique blooms that come in a range of colors from white to pink!
A last favorite mid-spring bloomer to look forward to is the drop-dead-gorgeous perennial: Peonies! Luscious double blooms offer up sweet scents and a stunning sight for the mid-spring garden. Typically blooming around Mother’s Day, Peonies make great gifts and are perfect for cut flower arrangements.
Late Spring Bloomers
If you’re a little late to the garden game, don’t fret! There are plenty of late spring bloomers to enjoy in late May!
If we had to choose just one star of the late spring garden, we would decide on Azaleas! And next in line would be the closely related Rhododendron shrub. Both of these hardy shrubs come in a range of colors and boast long bloom seasons through to the fall! Additionally, these plants are extremely low maintenance and perfect for beginner gardeners!
Some other late May-early June bloomers to look forward to including Daylilies, Ninebark, Nepeta and so many more!
Early Summer Bloomers
Early summer is when many of our favorite perennial bloomers are in their peak performance. The month of June is even classified as National Perennial Garden Month by the Perennial Plant Association!
While summer is filled with so many gorgeous blooming perennials to choose from, there are a few classic choices that prove to be popular in the landscape year after year. Some fan-favorite early summer bloomers include Echinacea, or ‘Coneflowers,’ Crape Myrtles, Hypericum, and Lavender.
At the top of the list of favorite summer bloomers is the hardy and bold hydrangea shrub! Coming in a range of colors from white to blue, to deep pinks, hydrangea shrubs will bring so much life and color to your summer landscape.
Another popular early-summer-blooming plant for the landscape is Rudbeckia. More commonly known as Black-Eyed-Susans, these golden perennials will take your breath away all summer long!
Subscribe For The Full Bloom Calendar
Whether you’re just getting started in the garden, or you’ve been planting your whole life, it’s helpful to have a bloom calendar to reference in order to create a landscape that’s full of color and blooms year-round!
Subscribe to our newsletter for the all-encompassing bloom calendar that highlights what plants bloom during what season!