Top Pro Tips for Watering Your Garden
When it comes to watering your garden, there are no hard rules to follow; it is more of a judgment call that depends on many factors of your landscape. Each landscape contains different plants, soil types, climates, and many other variables when caring for them. Figuring out the perfect balance of right and wrong when taking care of your garden might take some time, but before you know it, you will be gardening like a pro!
A crucial step in caring for your garden is making sure it is well watered. A landscape will not survive with dry, compacted soil unless you live in a desert, of course. However, that is not what this article is going to discuss. Here at Garden Goods Direct, we want to share with you our experts' top tips on how to water your garden effectively and efficiently and keep your garden happy and healthy for many years to come.
1. Timing is EverythingÂ
You know the saying, " Timing is everything?' Well, when it comes to watering your garden, timing really is everything. We recommend watering your garden in the morning into the early afternoon, but no later. Watering your plants in the evening time could lead to fungal growth and other diseases. This happens because when you water your garden at night, you are not allowing enough bright warm sunlight to soak up the excess water your garden didn't need.
Watering in the morning gives your plants plenty of time to soak up all the moisture they need and evaporate the excess liquid throughout the day. Also, watering your plants in the morning gives their foliage plenty of time to dry off before the cool evenings. Wet foliage is an easy way for your plants to grow diseases and become damaged.
2. New Plantings Need Care
It is so exciting to welcome new plants into your garden; it is a crucial time for your new plants to adjust and settle into their new home. When planting new annuals and perennials, we recommend watering them daily or every other day. When you are planting new shrubs and trees that have large root systems, watering once a week should do the trick. The best way to know if your new planting needs water is by sticking your finger directly into the root system to see if it is nice and moist or dry and needs a bit of water.
It is crucial to remember that dry soil surrounding your new plants will wick out any water that you have just added to your plant. Making sure the soil around your new plant is well-draining and kept moist will ensure your new plant grows wonderfully.
3. Rain Water is Your Right-Hand Friend
Rainwater is an excellent source of moisture for your plants, but do not rely solely on rainwater because it does not operate on a consistent schedule. Rain can often be sporadic and light and not soak into the compacted root zone of your plants. It is always best not to assume your plants are completely watered even if it has rained. However, when it does rain, it is very beneficial for your plants, and they will soak up all the need. When it does rain, be sure to subtract the amount of rainwater intake from the amount of water you are used to giving your plants. It is important not to overwater your plants and avoid any risk of root rot from too much moisture.
4. Sprinklers, Watering Cans, and Tools, Oh My!
You just read about the importance of rainwater in your garden, but it is crucial to have other sources of water readily available for the upkeep of your garden. Think of sprinklers, watering cans, irrigation systems, and necessary tools, all as your tool kit. All these products serve a crucial purpose and are for different garden needs. Sprinklers are great for soaking the top inch of soil in a wide area of your landscape, but they don't water much deeper than that. Watering cans are always portable ways to water specific areas of your garden that need more attention than others. Plus, watering cans will do a great job at watering only to soil of your plants and not the foliage.
Irrigation systems or in-ground sprinkler systems are smart and efficient ways to water your garden. You program these sprinklers to the needs of your garden and let them do all the work. You won't have to lift a finger. Another benefit of sprinkler systems is that they help reduce your water consumption. They only turn on when needed and provide the exact amount of water your garden needs to thrive. If an irrigation system is not an option for you, try using a Soil Soaker Hose. This hose reaches deep into the soil and waters your plans directly in the root system.
5. Containers
Keeping container plants healthy and thriving relies on two main factors: well-draining soil and holes in your pot and a particular watering routine. Watering containers on a schedule, such as every other day in the morning, probably isn't the best way to gauge if your plant is ready for more water. We recommend sticking your finger a few inches in the soil. If it is slightly moist, hold off on watering. However, once you stick your finger down a few inches and it is completely dry, now is when you can give your container plants a nice thorough watering. Keeping them in containers with well-draining soil and pots with container holes will ensure any excess water drains out properly and does not damage the roots of your plants.
6. M is for Mulch Your Garden
Mulch is critical when it comes to moisture retention in your garden. Mulching the surface of the soil in your garden reduces the speed of the evaporation process. Meaning wherever you mulch, you won't have to water as frequently. The mulch will keep your garden's soil cool and prevent any weeds from coming up and competing with your plants for available water. We recommend only using between 1 and 2 inches of mulch, nothing more. Too much mulch piled up around the base of your plant could do the opposite and make it difficult for your plant to absorb enough water.