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Woodie’s Picks: Early Season Favorites For Shade Gardening
Discover the best early-season shade plants for your garden! Learn the benefits of shade gardening and explore top picks like Viridis Japanese Maple, Bleeding Hearts, Pieris Mountain Fire, and Rosebud Azalea. Create a lush, low-maintenance shade garden this spring!
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Woodie's Picks: Evergreen Year-Round Interest Plants
There are plenty of plants that sustain their vibrant color and beauty year-round and can be used to create a stunning four-season landscape! Check out his blog to learn more about this concept as well as learn all about four of Woodie's favorite plants that work to provide year-round interest in the landscape!
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The Importance of Deadheading Flowers in Your Landscape
Deadheading, the practice of removing spent flowers from plants, is an essential gardening technique that significantly enhances your landscape's beauty, health, and longevity. Whether you're a novice gardener or an experienced horticulturist, understanding the importance of deadheading can transform your garden into a vibrant and flourishing haven.
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Enhancing Your Garden with Native Drought-Tolerant Trees and Shrubs
Incorporating native, drought-tolerant trees and shrubs into your landscape is a sustainable and beautiful way to create a resilient garden. Check out this blog to learn more about the benefits of cultivating a native drought tolerant garden, along with tips for how to start your own!
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The Dunstan Chestnut Tree: A Resurgence of The American Chestnut Industry
Celebrated for its hardiness, resilience, and ecological impact, the Dunstan Chestnut Tree has sparked an American Landscaping resurgence and ultimately saved a dying industry of mass Chestnut production. In this blog, we will explore the history of this remarkable tree and delve into the best practices for cultivating it.
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Unleashing Color with Dynamite Crape Myrtle
Have you ever been walking down the street in summertime, and you are suddenly stopped in your tracks by an explosion of fiery color atop the smoothest bark trunk you've ever seen? As one of the most well known Crape Myrtles on the Market, we felt the Dynamite Specifically was one worth focusing on. Keep reading this blog to learn all there is to know about the incredible specimen that is the Dynamite Crape Myrtle!
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Harnessing the Power of Mycorrhizal Fungi for Healthier Plants
The use of mycorrhizal fungi in landscaping represents a cutting-edge yet back-to-basics approach to cultivating healthier, more resilient plants. These fungi form a symbiotic relationship with plant roots, offering numerous benefits that can significantly enhance any landscape's overall health and aesthetics. Let's explore the transformative advantages of integrating mycorrhizal fungi into your gardening practices.
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Comprehensive Guide to Growing Skip Cherry Laurel Shrubs
Skip Cherry Laurel Shrubs are a robust, fast-growing option suitable for various landscaping needs. Whether you're a seasoned gardener or a beginner, understanding how to care for and utilize Skip Cherry Laurels in your landscape can transform your outdoor space.
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The Art of Layering Blooms in the Early Spring Landscape
If you aim to build a landscape that explodes with color and blooms left and right, it is likely that you will want to build a landscape with a multitude of layers. Off the bat, this may seem like a simple feat; however, landscape layering is an art, and mastering it takes time. In this blog, we will cover the basics of layering plants in the landscape and highlight the best plant combinations to include in your early spring landscape.
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Small Pollinator Gardens With Big Impacts
Unfortunately, pollinators face numerous challenges today, from habitat loss to pesticide exposure, and climate change. The good news is that we all can make a difference, even with a small pollinator garden planted with native species! This article will explore the magic of these pocket-sized habitats and how they can transform your backyard into a haven for pollinators.