Magnolia Trees for Spring Blooms
When most people think of magnolias, they picture a towering tree with large deep green leaves and white flowers. Saying the word magnolia inevitably makes us think of the southern United States, that's why they're often referred to as "Southern Magnolias". The truth is there are more magnolias suitable for northern gardens than there are for the south.
The northern magnolias are often one of the first flowering trees of spring. Northern magnolias are deciduous, which means they will lose their leaves in the winter. In the spring, the flowers burst forth even before the leaves do. Some varieties bloom later in the spring and into summer.
Deciduous magnolias are very cold hardy and grow best in full sun.
Different Types of Magnolia Trees:
Evergreen Magnolias:
Bracken's Brown Beauty Magnolia: This evergreen beauty is well known for its glossy, leathery leaves that are a vibrant, dark green on top and cinnamon brown underneath. The large, 6 inch wide creamy white flowers are highly fragrant. It was bred for better cold tolerance, so now you can enjoy magnolia blooms even in your northern landscape. Hardy to Zone 5.
Little Gem Magnolia: Unlike its larger cousins, which can grow to 50 feet plus in height, the Little Gem Magnolia Tree is a dwarf member of the Southern Magnolia family, maturing to a height of little over 20 feet with a width of about 8 to 10 feet. It produces the heavenly scented white flowers that make these trees a favorite of Southern Gardeners — Hardy to Zone 7.
Teddy Bear Magnolia: Do you have a small garden but always wanted to enjoy a southern magnolia but didn't want to give up the entire yard? The Teddy Bear Magnolia stays smaller than its cousin but has just as much flower power. Enjoy the fragrant blooms from spring into the early summer — Hardy to Zone 7.
Semi-Evergreen Native Magnolias:
Sweet-Bay Magnolia: Magnolia virginiana is Native to the Eastern United States. It's semi-evergreen, which means in milder climates it will hold its leaves through the winter. The white flowers have a lemony-scent which fill the air in spring through early summer.
Sweet Bay Magnolias are perfect near patios or decks where you can fully enjoy the heavenly fragrance. It also very tolerate to wet soils — Hardy to Zone 5.
Deciduous Magnolia Trees:
Magnolia Ann: Magnolia Ann is one of the most popular flowering plants sold today. The Ann flowers later than the Royal Star Magnolia, which allows it to avoid frost damage in the early spring. The 3 to 4-inch blooms are reddish-purple in the outside and white inside. Hardy to Zone 4.
Magnolia Jane: The very cold-hardy Magnolia Jane tree blooms a bit later than many other varieties, making it a perfect choice for northern landscapes where a late frost is common. A lovely multi-stemmed small tree with fragrant reddish-purple flowers. Hardy to Zone 4.
Royal Star Magnolia: Royal Star Magnolia is one of the earliest flowering varieties of the family. It produces large, fragrant, white, star-shaped flowers that appear before the foliage emerges. An early spring thriller that will add a focal point to the landscape as the seasons' progress. Hardy to Zone 4 and also tolerates heat.
Magnolia Betty: Similar to the Ann, this is a beauty of a tree with its pinkish-white flowers. This multi-stemmed tree is a late bloomer making it more cold tolerant than other Magnolias. When the blooms subside, the foliage will begin to emerge with a coppery hue and then transition to a deep forest green. Hardy to Zone 3. A hybrid cross of Saucer Magnolia and Magnolia stellata.
Magnolia Centennial Blush: Professional horticulturalists regard the Centennial Blush as the best of the small-sized Magnolias. The buds are rarely affected by cold winter temperatures. The early spring flowers are a very fragrant and welcome sight in the spring and in the fall the leaf color produces an equally brilliant show. Hardy to Zone 4.
Planting Magnolia Trees:
Planting Magnolia Trees are no different than most other deciduous trees. They grow best in moist, well-drained, soils and are adaptable to clay or sandy soils. Once established, Magnolia Trees can be moderately drought tolerant but do benefit from occasional watering during periods of drought.
For in-depth instructions for how to plant and care for Magnolia Trees, be sure to read our Magnolia Tree Planting Guide.
Until Next Time,
- Woodie