Low-Light Plants for Dressing up your Bathroom
Friends ask me over and over, "What is the best House Plant for my Bathroom?" This question always makes me want to ask, "Well, what kind of light does your bathroom have?" Let's face it bathrooms are the darkest rooms in our living space, sometimes void of light altogether which is not conducive to supporting life. Once you address the light issue, the truth is, bathrooms are great places to grow indoor plants. The elevated humidity levels that occur during baths or showers mimics the natural environment of these plants.
House plants are mostly from areas of the world where the canopy above them is very dense, and sunlight is at a premium. After reading that sentence, you may think that all plants are suitable for low-light environments. This is not always the case. Most house plants grow best in bright indirect light. When plants that prefer bright light are placed in dark rooms, they will stretch or turn yellow due to lack of sun they prefer. Have no fear, there are many indoor plants that will not only grow in less than ideal light, but will also thrive.
If you are not sure what kind of light the rooms in your home has, here is a short description of indoor light levels. - North-facing windows or rooms with no windows would be considered low-light rooms. - South-facing windows are considered to have bright light. - East or West-facing windows are considered to have medium light.
If you have a room with no windows, you should consider grow lights that can be left on for 12 hours a day. There are many grow lights on the market today, including LED lights that use very little energy and do not generate heat, which can harm plants if planted too close to the leaves.
What are the best house plants for low light rooms?
Pothos Plants: Pothos or Devil's Ivy is the perfect low light house plant for beginners. Pothos is one of the easiest houseplants that you can grow. This popular indoor plant features dark green heart-shaped leaves that are available in shades of green, yellow, cream, or white. I don't think I've ever heard someone say, "I have horrible luck with pothos vines," it's that easy.
ZZ Plant: ZZ Plant might as well be called EZ Plant for its ease of care. ZZ Plants not only tolerate low light, but they also thrive on neglect. ZZ Plants store water like a succulent plant in fleshy leaves and stems.
Parlor Palm: Also called Neanthe Bella Palms, they are a graceful, robust green palm, that will do very well in bathrooms and dark basements. They will tolerate just about any light conditions, so don't be afraid to move these little palms around. Neanthe Bella palms grow upright and don't get very wide, so they are easy to fit into just about any corner or on a desk. Palms are also excellent clean air plants.
Ponytail Palms: Ponytail Palms are a fascinating and unusual plant with long strap-like leaves that sprout from the broad base. This feature gives the plant the lesser-known common name of elephant foot palm. If you travel a lot or forget things, the ponytail palm is your ideal low light plant because the plant stores water in its base. It can go for several weeks without being watered.
Boston Fern: The Boston Fern is an easy to grow indoor plant. Boston Ferns are a big plant that needs some room, but it will reward you with dark green leaves that are more than happy to grow in your darkest corners.
Cast Iron Plant: Cast Iron Plant or aspidistra is as robust as its name implies. Hardy outside from zones 7 to 11, Cast Iron Plant makes an excellent houseplant in areas that have little to no natural light. It also makes an exciting planting in the garden where hardy.
Aglaonema: Aglaonema requires little to no maintenance. Bright, almost reflective foliage matches with virtually any decor and lighten any kitchen, living room, bathroom, or bedroom. Chinese Evergreens also tolerate low fluorescent to very low light without showing any effects.
Peace Lily: The glossy green foliage does well in most living spaces, and cleans the indoor air of toxins, including benzene, toluene, xylene, trichloroethylene, ammonia, and formaldehyde. Peace Lilies are renowned for their low maintenance care, pure white flowers, and their ability to thrive in very little light.
Prayer Plant: The foliage or Maranta will fade or burn if exposed to excessive light, making it the perfect low-light houseplant. The leaves are both cat and dog safe. This family of plants is known for its bright, intense foliage and holds its color best without much light. Red Prayer Plant has round leaves and underside of a maroon color.
Dracaena: Dracaenas are one of the most effective houseplants for air purification. Smaller Dracaena plants are perfect for use on a table, shelf, or even as a desk Plant. Use the colorful foliage to add a bright splash to any room.
Arrowhead Plant: Syngonium White Butterfly is an excellent plant for extremely low light situations. It does well in offices and locations with fluorescent light to very little natural light.
Spider Plant: The green and white foliage of Spider Plants lightens and blends into any decor. They thrive in fluorescent light to bright indirect light.
Hoya: Hoyas are commonly known as the wax plant. They thrive in low light levels and flowers, as well.
Snake Plants: If you're looking for an easy to grow low light houseplant, it doesn't get much better than a snake plant. Whether you call it Snake Plant, Sansevieria, or Mother-in-laws tongue, there are very few indoor plants that are easier to grow. Snake plants are perfect for any home, apartment, or office. They thrive in low-light, including fluorescent lights in windowless offices.
The snake plant is an ideal plant for indoor homes and offices because it is a superb air purifier. They are unique to the plant world because they convert carbon dioxide to oxygen at night, making them ideal plants to have in your bedroom.
Care Tips for Low Light House Plants
Low light house plants can be rotated in and out of dark rooms every few weeks to give them a little boost of sunlight if they start to look sad. Many people buy two identical houseplants and rotate them in and out of darker rooms such as bathrooms, for example.
Low light house plants will require less water than those in bright light, so be careful to let them dry out in between watering. Over watering can kill your plant. Here are a few ways you can tell if your plant needs a drink.
- Probe the Soil - stick your finger ¼ inch into the soil to determine if it is wet, moist, or dry. This is probably one of the easiest and most accurate ways to check moisture level.
- Heaviness - lifting the plant, if the plant feels heavy it probably has enough water. If light when lifted, could mean the plant is dry.
- Tools - if you are into a more scientific approach to plant waterning, there are a variety of water meters on the market that use electrical currents to measure the moisture level in the soil. However, it is possible to get an inaccurate reading if the soil is high in salts, or if the instrument is dropped/damaged.
In addition to the regular care, low-light house plants will require periodic dusting or cleaning of their leaves. It is also good practice to remove any dead leaves during this cleaning process. Plants breathe through their leaves, so keeping their leaves free of debris will help them to flourish.
If you’re looking to purchase a low-light house plant for your home or office interior, consider Woodie’s Approved collection of low-light houseplants from Garden Goods Direct. As America’s number one online garden center, we offer a broad selection of houseplants, along with advice from our plant experts you need to keep them healthy. From Aglaonema to ZZ Plants, we have every low light house plant you could want, all available from our online store, and ready to be shipped to your door.