Bonide MoleMax Mole and Vole Repellent for Sale Online
Bonide's Mole Max is a mole and vole repellent. It's all-natural and made of castor oil and lasts up to 3 months after application. Molemax repels moles and voles and protects bulbs and plant roots. Molemax also repels skunks, rabbits, ground squirrels, and other burrowing animals. Molemax may be applied in lawns and gardens.
About Your Bonide MoleMax Mole and Vole Repellent
Bonide MoleMax Mole and Vole Repellent 5lb. Canister[/caption] Bonide's Mole Max is a mole and vole repellent; all natural, made of castor oil and lasts up to 3 months. Molemax repels moles and voles and protects bulbs. Molemax also repels skunks, rabbits, ground squirrels and other burrowing animals. Molemax may be applied in lawns and gardens. Apply 10 lbs per 5000 sq. ft. Lightly watering in the granules after application speeds up the release of material and its penetration into the soil, or you can choose to simply wait for the next rainfaill. After application, mole vole & gopher activity may increase as they leave treated area. Using a spreader: To apply this product with a spreader, consult spreader setting instructions for your particular spreader. If uncertain about proper setting, begin at the lowest setting that allows the product to flow evenly through the spreader, and apply 10 lbs per 5000 sq. ft., going over the area to be treated, twice if necessary. Use When Planting : For Bulbs: After placing bulb in hole, apply one tablespoon of product per hole, making sure granules surround the bulb, then backfill with soil. When planting ornamental flowers adn shrubs such as : Roses, Azaleas, Rhodendrons, Mums, etc., apply two tablespoons to the bottom of the planting hole and three to four tablespoons to the soil mix before back filling. Molemax - All Natural Molemax is safe to use around children and pets, if used as directed. It is biodegradable and will not harm plants and lawns. Repel moles, voles, gophers, rabbits, armadillos, skunks Lasts up to 3 months Granular product Repels moles and voles Also deters rabbits, skunks, gophers and other wild pests Safe for use around pets and children Covers up to 5000 square-Feet.