Wilt Pruf Concentrate for Sale Online
Great For Use Year-Round On Deciduous Trees, Evergreens Shrubs, Roses, Transplants, Vegetables, and Fruits.
Ready to use wilt stop, natural, non-toxic product, derived from the resin of pine trees, forms a soft, transparent flexible film on treated plants, protects plants from drying out, drought, windburn, sunscald, winter kill, transplant shock & salt damage.
Wilt stop also extends the life of cut flowers & Christmas trees, great for use year-round on deciduous trees, evergreens shrubs, roses, transplants, vegetables, and fruits. Stops winter kill, windburn, sunscald, salt damage, and drying out. It forms a soft transparent flexible film on treated plants, protecting them from drying out drought, windburn, winter kill, etc.
About Your Wilt Pruf Concentrate
1 Quart
Use different concentrations for different purposes
Natural, Non-Toxic Product
Derived From The Resin Of Pine Trees
Forms A Soft, Clear Flexible Film On Treated Plants
Protects Plants From Drying Out, Drought, Wind Burn, Sun Scald, Winter Kill, Transplant Shock & Salt Damage
Wilt Pruf Also Extends Life Of Cut Flowers & Christmas Trees
Great For Use Year Round On Deciduous Trees, Evergreens Shrubs, Roses, Transplants, Vegetables, Fruits, Ready to use wilt stop, natural, non-toxic product, derived from the resin of pine trees, forms a soft, clear flexible film on treated plants, protects plants from drying out, drought, wind burn, sun scald, winter kill, transplant shock & salt damage, wilt stop also extends life of cut flowers & Christmas trees, great for use year round on deciduous trees, evergreens shrubs, roses, transplants, vegetables, fruits. Stops winter kill, wind burn, sun scald, salt damage, and drying out. Forms a soft clear flexible film on treated plants which protects them from drying out drought wind burn winter kill etc.
The main cause of winter damage to trees and shrubs is through desiccation, or drying out. When the ground freezes, plant roots are unable to take up water from the soil, so they quickly begin to use up all the water stored in their leaves and stems. This is very damaging, particularly to evergreen trees and shrubs that don’t protect themselves by dropping their leaves in winter.Anti-desiccants are products that can be applied to evergreen trees and shrubs to help hold in moisture through the winter. If you have problems with cold damage in your garden, you may want to give them a try.