Garden-Phos Fungicide for Sale Online
Monterey Garden-Phos is a highly effective systemic fungicide. Designed for use on ornamental and bedding flowers, vegetables, perennials, shrubs, and trees, this all-star product works to protect your garden plants from a series of common fungicidal issues.
This foliar spray will answer all of your gardening needs by tackling garden problems ranging from root rot to downy mildew and fire blight.
This product needs to be applied at a level that covers the top of the canopy as well as the undersides of the leaves, so the foliage is wet but the product does not runoff. Monterey Agri-Phos Systemic Fungicide is one of the best in the business and effectively controls many types of fungus while offering a variety of application methods.
About Your Monterey Garden-Phos Systemic Fungicide
Directions for Using Garden Fos Fungicide in the Garden
Monterey Agri-Fos Systemic Fungicide is a multipurpose fungicide that controls phytophthora diseases, downy mildew, and phythium, among other plant diseases. It's designed for use on ornamental and bedding flowers, vegetables, perennials, shrubs and trees. This product needs to be applied in a level that covers the top of the canopy as well as the undersides of the leaves so foliage is wet but the product does not run off. Monterey Agri-Fos Systemic Fungicide is one of the best in the business and effectively controls many types of fungus with a variety of application methods. Monterey Agri-Fos Systemic Fungicide can be applied as a foliage spray, soil drench, bark application or bare root dip. Repeat applications at the intervals indicated in the table attached to the instructions on the reverse of the container. Thorough uniform coverage of plant surfaces is essential for good disease control. Shake well before using, mix the appropriate amount with water, and use at once. When applying Agri-Fos Systemic Fungicide to a species for the first time, spray a limited number of plants and wait 3 to 7 days to ensure there is no leaf burn. Monterey Agri-Fos Systemic Fungicide is a multipurpose fungicide for use on ornamental and fruiting plants outdoors or in containers. It is designed for use as a spray for the foliage, but it can also be used as a systemic drench that would clear soil of malicious bacteria and fungus. Do not use this product during intense heat, direct sunlight, or on a plant with wilted foliage. Make applications of this product before disease development and in conjunction with good cultural practices. Monterey Agri-Fos Systemic Fungicide comes in a plastic container, as a 1 pint fluid concentrate. The fluid concentrate must be diluted before use, specific instructions are located on the reverse side of the package.