Espoma Organic Vermiculite for Sale Online
Espoma Organic Vermiculite helps loosen heavy soils and prevents compaction. It also aerates the soil and promotes root growth.
For Potting Soil: Mix one-part soil with one-part Vermiculite to improve heavy soil. To blend your potting media, mix two parts, Peat Moss with one part compost and one part Vermiculite.
For Seed Starting:
- Fill a shallow container with Pete Moss, or blend 80% Peat and 20% Perlite or Vermiculite.
- Peat pots or special seed starting trays with drainage holes make transplanting easier.
- Wet the mix and allow it to drain.
- Plant seeds according to package directions. Please container in and warm, sunny location (avoid direct sunlight).
- Keep soil moist by misting it with a spray bottle.
- When the plant develops its first leaves, transplant it into a larger container or outdoors in a prepared bed. Note: Dig seedlings out of their mix and handle them with care to avoid damaging the fragile stem in the root system.
For Root Cuttings:
- Fill a flat or clean container with Peat Moss or a blend of 80% Peat and 20% Vermiculite, and wet the mix.
- Make a hole with a pencil, gently insert the cutting and pat the soil to close the hole.
- Keep soil moist and out of direct sunlight until roots are developed, and the plant can be transplanted.
About Your Espoma Organic Vermiculite
- Select a container that is larger than your plants current pot, and has a drainage hole at the bottom with the tray beneath it to catch excess water.
- Fill container to 1/3 full with Cactus Potting Soil Mix.
- Carefully remove the plant from its current container and gently loosen the root ball.
- Center the plant in the new container and fill it with additional Cactus Mix.
- Allow at least 1 inch between the rim of the pot in the top of the soil.
- Gently pat down the next and add more if required.
- Make sure the plant is about the same depth in the soil as it was in the original container.
- Wait 1 or 2 weeks, then water thoroughly with a slow gentle spray and allow to drain.
Growing Tips:
Re-potting: Cactus, succulents, palm, and citrus should be re-potted annually into the next larger size pot. Best time to do this is early spring. After re-potting, place into a shaded area for one or two weeks. Watering: Always water thoroughly so that water flows from the container’s drainage holes. Soil should be allowed to dry between waterings. Never leave water standing in saucer. Water can be greatly reduced for most plants during the winter months. Light: Cactus and most succulents grow in semi-desert, and therefore need the best light you can provide. The only exception to this is the first week or two after re-potting (place in shaded area). Feeding: Feed with Espoma Organic Gro-tone, a natural liquid plant food beginning one month after planting.