Coleus ColorBlaze Royale Cherry Brandy Coleus ColorBlaze Royale Cherry Brandy leaves
Coleus ColorBlaze Royale Cherry Brandy Coleus ColorBlaze Royale Cherry Brandy leaves

Images Depict Mature Plants

Coleus ColorBlaze Royale Cherry Brandy

Plectranthus scutellarioides 'Royal Brandy'


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Coleus ColorBlaze Royale Cherry Brandy Plants for Sale

Colorblaze Royale Cherry Brandy Coleus is grown for its maroon leaves. If it blooms at all, this cultivar blooms late in the summer. To improve the foliage, pinch off the flower buds as they appear. Colorblaze Royale Cherry Brandy Coleus grows in full sun to shade, so it supplies a splash of color to shade gardens and mixed containers on shaded patios and porches.

Colorblaze Royale Cherry Brandy Coleus can be grown as a houseplant. Place Colorblaze Royale Cherry Brandy Coleus in bright light inside.

Hardiness Zone: 10-11
Mature Height: 20-30 Inches
Mature Width: 16-24 Inches
Classification: Annual
Sunlight: Partial shade, full sun, full shade
Habit: Mound, upright
Flower Color: Inconspicuous
Foliage: Maroon
Soil Condition: well-draining, moist
Water Requirements: Likes to stay slightly moist
Uses: container plant, "thriller" plant, mass planting
Growzone: 10-11 Coleus ColorBlaze Royale Cherry Brandy Hardiness Zone 10-11

Frequently Asked questions

How Do I Make my Coleus ColorBlaze Royale Cherry Brandy Bushy?

How Do I Winterize My Coleus ColorBlaze Royale Cherry Brandy Plant?

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