Plectranthus Velvet Starlet produces pink flowers pink flowering plectranthus Plectranthus Starlett in container
Plectranthus Velvet Starlet produces pink flowers pink flowering plectranthus Plectranthus Starlett in container

Images Depict Mature Plants

Plectranthus Velvet Starlet

Plectranthus 'Velvet Starlet'


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Plectranthus Velvet Starlet Plants for Sale Online

Big bright pink blooms are held above the dark green foliage. Plectranthus Velvet Starlet is a no-fuss plant that will make you look like an expert gardener with very little care. The blooms form a pink cloud over the dark leaves from summer through to frost. This color has never been seen before on any Plectranthus.

The handsome foliage is deep green with dark purple bottoms. Velvet Starlet plants stay compact and well-branched with little to no pruning. Plectranthus Velvet Starlet is useful as a filler in mixed borders, specimen plants, or planted in a container. It even makes a great houseplant in bright light situations.

This Plectranthus will establish quickly even thrive in poor soils. A partially shaded location is ideal outdoors. They easily tolerate root competition under trees. Water only if rainfall is low as they are drought tolerant once established. In cold climates, they are treated as an annual everywhere else they can be enjoyed year-round. Deadhead them after flowering to maintain a neat, tidy appearance.

Hardiness Zone: 9-11
Mature Height: 1-2 Feet
Mature Width: 1- 2 Feet
Classification: Annual
Sunlight: Partial shade, full shade
Habit: Mound, upright
Flower Color: Hot pink
Foliage: Green
Soil Condition: well-draining, moist
Water Requirements: Likes to stay slightly moist
Uses: container plant, combination planting
Growzone: 9-11 Plectranthus Velvet Starlet Hardiness Zone 9-11

Frequently Asked questions

Can my Plectranthus Velvet Starlet Survive Indoors?

When Should I Prune my Plectranthus Velvet Starlet?

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